[color=6ecff6]Guar[/color][color=f49ac2]dian[/color] Interactions: Vanguard [@Scarifar], anyone else in main hall? ____________ "[color=7ea7d8]Guardian![/color]" Guardian immediately snapped out of her current "frustration" mode with Glutton the moment her "partner" addressed her. She stopped walking away and immediately turned around to face Vanguard and just as quickly jogged back front and center. Then she saluted. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry sir. Got distract but...you missed it sir. Glutton just teleported Miss Valentine away just now. All due respect and you know what my current case and orders are regarding Glutton, I have to ensure Miss Valentine's well-being...of course, I'll hold here with you if you order it..."[/color] Then, in a lower tone she then looked down and said, [color=f49ac2]"...sorry..."[/color] Even after a year, Guardian was still learning to stick with the group but years of her..."vigilante" years in New York still reared it's ugly head of working "solo" and doing things her way. Honestly, there were even days when she wondered how Vanguard and any of his team put up with this when she got like this.