[center][b][h2]*UNDER CONSTRUCTION*[/h2][/b][/center] Putting this up here while I work out tags and the stuff in this revamped app. Recycling a heck of a lot for it, though, and added a few more pics in the Military section to boot as well (among other things elsewhere). Also tossed in a new flag, new planetary description, etc. The History section is going to be the pain in my head to get hashed out, and lot still has to be fixed up or edited or added in it, but I will get it completed sooner or later dangit! Will edit as updates to this app are made of a major sort, etc, before handing over for round two of the GMs looking over an app of mine. [hider=(Name To Be Determined)] [center][color=e73d25][h2][/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/G2lN1gd.png[/img] [h3]"E Pluribus Unum" (Aka: "Out of Many, One")[/h3][/center] [color=00aeef]Government Form[/color]: Democratic Republic (Secretly/In Reality: Synarchism/Synarchic Oligarchy - As in “a secret cabal is in charge behind it all”, not as in the original meaning of synarchy/synarchism.) [color=e73d25][b]Population[/b][/color]: 7.7 billion ((General [i]Very Rough[/i] Population Growth Timescale - 150 years ago: 5.4 billion, 350 years ago: 2.5 billion, ~425 years ago: Some Millions At Maximum; Improved as technology and survivability and sustainability for the colony overall improved, which led in part to a boom in growth. Wars did lessen this to some extent at times, among other things, etc, but 500 years is a long time indeed.)) [color=00aeef]What is humanity?[/color]: Humanity? What is humanity, but the ability to connect, empathize, and build alongside others through the good and the bad and the ugly? To be able to fight for survival against a hostile nature that seeks to kill you, to mete out survival even when you're against the ropes and despite your own mistakes, and to seek out a future even when all seems to be at its bleakest? In the mundane and far less poetic sense, however, for the GER the matter is a simple one for defining humanity. It is being born as one of the human species biologically, born to human species parents.....whether it be Homo sapiens sapiens or a new subspecies otherwise. Sapient rights, however, are things that most certainly also exist under GER law as well. [center]--------[/center] [color=e73d25][b]Planet/System Name and Description[/b][/color]: [u]Star/System Name[/u] - Euryale [u]Planet Name[/u] - Euryale IV/Sarpedon Living on the fourth planet, in the ‘habitable zone’ of the star Euryale, the GER was begun on the planet of Euryale IV, aka “Sarpedon” as it would come to be called. A planet of size 1.37 times the size of the Earth, it was among the earliest ‘habitable’ worlds to be discovered during the scramble to create the Gateway and escape the dying earth. Discovery of the star and its system was credited to the Greek astronomer Sebastian Kiritikos, who was working with the United Nations and other cooperating groups and companies to find habitable stars and potentially human-habitable worlds, who named it after one of the gorgon sisters of ancient mythology. Likewise the names of the planets of the star’s system would be initially named in a more standard fashion, though the name of “Sarpedon” would be given to Euryale IV (named after the legendary isle the gorgons lived upon) after it was found to be the first habitable sphere in the system after the use of self-replicating von Neumann probes to further investigate the system’s potential habitability. It is a generally warmer planet than Earth to an extent despite being labeled as a ‘miraculous Earth-like planet’, sporting a larger (but not all-encompassing for the planet certainly either) band of warmer and humid climates across a wider band of its landmass due to its wide equatorial band length. This is in part due to a somewhat thicker atmosphere and atmospheric pressure being minutely over 1 atm/atmospheres, which has led to the greater retention of heat from the system’s sun. Increased rainfall and humidity are notable factors as well as a result of these things, as well as a more frequent occurrence of storms that has led to local construction and settlement methods being designed with such things being much more in mind (using rounded shapes or easier to build multi-sided octagonal homes, applying improved material sciences for more resilient materials, etc). At the same time, however, there are still proper more temperate climes the closer one gets to its proper northern and southern polar regions despite these bands being distinctly narrower than those on ‘Old Earth’ used to be. Likewise features such as tall mountains and sprawling valleys, and similar things to Old Earth geography, do still exist as do things such as deserts and such like to some extent or another. The planet’s water-to-land ratio features 74% water to 26% land overall. Further, unlike the notable deeper blue color of the ocean waters, the planet’s plantlife sports in the majority shades of bluish-greens, like how green was most common on Earth, with some rarer vivid or deeper greens and some blues in the rarest of cases. Autumnal colors remain similar to those of Earth, with varieties such as reds, yellows, and oranges, with even purples for that matter depending on the plantlife involved. Meanwhile bodies of water appear to be a more vibrant blue compared to the waters of ‘Old Earth’ proper. This is all due to the nature of the yellowish-white F-class star of the system proper, of which Euryale IV (and the one habitable moon of the neighboring large gas giant of Euryale V, which also benefits from tidal forces to warm it due to its position) falls into. Earth-based species, as in those adapted somewhat to the new planet’s environment through genetic modification or the use of special fertilizers or composed soils, have also found general success on the face of Sapedon proper over the past several centuries of humanity’s settlement and development on the planet proper. The planet’s atmosphere sports a distinctly more ‘Earth-like’ mix than some potentially habitable exoplanets in general, at least, though genetic vaccines and certain medical procedures would come to be deployed eventually both initially and in the long-term to combat the initial struggle of humanity to mete out survival in the still-alien atmosphere. By current times, though it took several centuries of work and some ups and downs in tinkering with things to get there in the end, humanity has since come to mete out a comfortable existence within the atmosphere and Earthlike varied environs of Sarpedon, with such long-term health issues being only visible in a small slice of the most vulnerable populations for the most part. Meanwhile the animal life of the planet has in ways come to reflect a number of Earth-like species, though much more ‘alien’ examples have also arisen throughout the ages and epochs of the planet’s development and evolution. Some bear more notable similarities to things such as traditional mammals or the like, while others take on more unique shapes or niches or even fully alien sorts of designs. Life on this planet is also carbon-based and uses a closely-related form of genetics and genetic sequences in its organic life, however, and while similar-ish to that of Earth it nominally and normally shouldn’t have interactions with life that grew elsewhere on a whole other world according to older Old Earth sciences. Yet some tinkering with genetic engineering has sought to ‘bridge’ the gaps between Sarpedon and imported Earth lifeforms to some extent or another here and there, and efforts to help adapt humanity to the alien planet and their new lives had also taken place using genetic engineering, which in part also fed into the use and implementation of these technologies on a wider scale in society over the centuries in the long-run. ******* Humanity also lives on the neighboring gas giant of Euryale V, at least in anchored or stabilized upper atmospheric habitats. Here many things are processed using the heat and pressure farther down in the gas giant, within human reach at least, and hydrogen and helium are harvested and processed in vast quantities to produce fuel and fuel cells to boot. Said habitats are closed off from the outside, aside from places such as localized spaceports and such, with pressurized thick walls and durable make from neighboring planetary or asteroid-mined metals. Notable air circulation systems, other critical atmospheric and hydroponics systems, and the like also exist within the webs of interconnected ‘towns’ and in much rarer cases ‘cities’ these habitats form inherently by design. Everything is close together due to dangers in attempting to enable ‘personal transit’ or such things, and running monorails and public transport are of the most common note aside from the very wealthiest living on Euryale V who can afford an otherwise nigh unheard of equivalent of a ‘personal transit vehicle’ while living down there. ******* Life was found to be support-able on the one habitable moon of Euryale V, the third of its three moons in fact, which was first given the moniker and name of “____”. (finish later) [color=coral]Demographics[/color]: [sub](For talking about how much of the population belongs to different groups/ethnicities/religions/whatever. This space can also be used for describing genetic/cybernetic modifications your people have done, subspecies that have been created, aliens that may have been integrated, and so on.)[/sub] [hider=Humanity] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xbAi4wX.jpeg[/img][/center] Humans. Homo sapiens sapiens.The fled children of the dying Earth. The people of Sarpedon who, as citizens of the ____, call themselves “Sarpedans”. Aside from gene therapy programs intended to help adapt humanity to the world of Sarpedon proper, and work to fix some mistakes in these therapies over the centuries, humanity by and large within the ____ hasn’t wildly differed from its original baseline otherwise for most. This remains true even for those who usually get ‘metamorphic’ versions of biomods, or take one or more features of an Old Earth animal species (and even native one in more recent times) and get modified and augmented to have one. Ranging from some teenagers who enjoy anime getting just a set of kemomimi ears and/or a tail, to adults who get things like dog ears or a fox tail or cat-like eyes in a way similar to people who get tattoos or piercings on Old Earth, to even a gang getting illegal (and/or dangerous) ‘meta mods/metamods’ (the nicknames for metamorphic biomods) to have sharp and more shark-like teeth. There are even military applications of genetically modifying and biologically engineering/modifying troops (and/or bioweapons) for various uses or implementations such as giving them water-breathing (or greater breath-holding ability alongside training) and augmenting strength and stamina and such hand in hand with the continued use of old-fashioned pure training and drilling and experience and using good equipment (and the ability to remove/mute such biological modifications in and outside of the military as well) (not including visible mods in soldiers like animal parts and such, though, which is how most people get gene/bio mods by and large in the non-visible or minimal senses). [/hider] [color=39b54a]History[/color]: [sub](What happened after your Colony landed? This can be as brief or detailed as you like. Just try to give us a feel of the nation)[/sub] [color=39b54a]Culture and Society[/color]: [sub](How do they live? Anything from ritual cannibals, to a surveillance state dystopia, to an integrated hivemind.)[/sub] [list] [*]Due to similarities in genetic structures and involved amino acids between Earth life and Sarpedon’s life a number of processes have been worked out, only in the long term really though, to process some of the more farmable and edible forms of life on the planet into edible and ‘safe’ foods for humankind. Yet these would first emerge only in the care of human-wrought hydroponic complexes before seeing an eventual break into the market as niche food for the ‘rich and wealthy’ before eventually the genetic engineering and technology behind these modified alien ‘foods’ would finally enter the wider market (though some aspect of them remains as ‘fiber’ to humans due to being indigestible but at least safe to ‘pass out’ through the body). This isn’t to say such things will replace the otherwise widespread and notable use of farms of imported and genetically adapted or modified Earth crops and foods that have still seen widespread use in general on Sarpedon for the past many centuries otherwise. However, it is of note that these ‘native foods’ have begun to grow in accessibility and popularity on a wider scale than they used to in current times. From large groups of swarm-moving but sweet-fleshed “Grilled Kongacrabs” (groups of native social crab/crustacean-like lifeforms that, to ward off predators when traveling, travel in a ‘conga line’-like column and move in a manner that looks similar to a dangerous eel-like predator or such to imitate its movement while on the ocean floor) that that are easy to raise in even bad-quality waters, to the fatty breast of the peculiar “Sarpedon Red Duck”, to even the acquired taste of air-dried and salty-sea-preserved “Lesser Reef Sarpedan Shark”, the range of native life turned into foods even goes as far as some forms of plants either by now naturally edible to the genetically-modified human population or even as far as these lifeforms being modified or processed to be edible for human consumption. Even a few ‘new spices’ have emerged in some part, even if as a minority of the overall variety of imported and grown human spices still being cultivated, sold, and used today, such as the semi-umami and spicy “Uddi Seeds” and the salty-sour flavor of the flesh of the oval-like and swelled-looking “Guga Fruit”. [*]Most food grown and used these days originates from Old Earth, indeed, though in lieu of improved Genetic/Bio-Engineering technologies by current times some even more peculiar ‘hybrids’ of Old Earth foods and livestock have been developed and crafted, though with some issues along the way that did require regulation in this area to be made due to “cheap, rushed, ramshackle attempts to bank on a trend that had bad side effects”, with this idea reaching far back into the days of required hydroponics used by the first settlers of Sarpedon. It has gained the moniker of “Hydrocultivated Cuisine”, and has both given rise to odd foods such as a true and living “Cockentrice” as well as things like movements against the ‘creation of suffering hybrids for the sole reason of profit” that led to many simply “creating engineered cultures to grow these meats and such from” as a newer alternative that many taking up this trend for food modernly have taken up using instead for commercial and other such reasons. [*]It is of note that those living on the suspended atmospheric habitats of the neighboring gas giant of Euryale V, however, only get to subsist on imported and hydroponically-grown foods. The higher-class among them do get fancier foods, or heaven forbid only the wealthiest of the wealthy there get an actual ‘garden’ to grow something in in some expensive suspended habitat home, which for them usually consists of more hardy and mass-produced foods that have grown from ‘only there to sustain life regularly’ in quality to ‘a proper and more widespread variety’ that has improved alongside their quality of life since planetary unification and the gradual interconnection of things within the ____ ever since. [*]Household robotics is something that has been brought down to the level of affordability for even the lower end of the middle-class by this point in time, though it also sees its limits and uses despite the highly sophisticated programming and engineering developments that it has taken centuries to make ‘common’ enough and streamlined enough for people. Helping care for kids, acting as a second set of hands in a household, acting as a babysitter or elderly caregiver, helping doing yard care work, maybe in rare cases even acting as a friendly companion for a lonely or socially isolated child, etc, etc. While some of these robots take on simply practical shapes, those that work closest with people take on human-type appearances and looks and styles to frankly a more lifelike degree all the way up to a very much a lifelike-looking style and exterior. They also see use alongside human employees within the commercial/civilian sector by businesses in ‘business grade models’ respectively. The closer to humans these robots are, the more humanlike they are made to look and seem in turn as a generalistic rule of thumb. Yet even so there remain legal limits to their programming and design despite their sophistication in the current day/era. [*]Extreme genetic/biological modifications of the self that ‘would be genetically incompatible or misaligned with normal humanity’ and lead to or generate extreme medical/other problems and warped physiologies/psychologies are most widely seen by GER culture as a notable spoken and unspoken taboo for myriad reasons in the vast and greater majority by far. And….there are many reasons for this, both due to practical issues over the centuries and otherwise. While some religions and such discourage the use for ‘anything but medical necessities for one’s health and proper safe job employment’ and such otherwise, which is its own cultural matter and is a similar matter to the use of augmented mechanical prosthetics and replacements of those kinds, no matter the background or religiosity this extent of modification and body warping is drawn in the sand where it ultimately ‘crosses the line’ and creates conditions for individuals where ‘things get dangerous muddied and intertwined’ within the body. These things can’t be easily, or always cheaply at that, reversed or cured or the like. Indeed they very readily lead to vast and deep medical complications and even unique or rare sorts of medical issues, and even psychological conditions and mental diseases ranging from ‘an addition to getting gene/bio-mods’ to ‘becoming an inhuman monster or losing one’s empathy’ in some capacity or another. It is a dangerous matter (think of people who ‘become cyberpsychos’ in the Cyberpunk universe as a similar parallel). Nicknames for this condition include, but are not limited to: ‘Going mod-mad’, being ‘mod addicted’, or ‘going animal’, among other potential lingo and terms for this general concept. Even those who survive this condition and get the sponsor or money to get medical help toward reversing it all, then, will likely have permanent problems or other issues even if they are ‘cured’ to more or less of an extent. And that is if they could get everything ‘removed’, and some part of their modifications had to be kept in for medical safety and usually patient-life-endangering reasons. Note that not everyone is super visibly modded in society, though, as most mods are not the visible sort or are minimal visible stuff in the majority of those who get mods. Just like how everyone doesn’t have a tattoo, or everyone has piercings or maybe only has one for some reason. Etc. Visible mods are seen in a similar light to piercings and tattoos and such in society in general, really, even if it has taken 500 years to get the technology to the point that such things can be much more readily and easily removed/added to people in mainstream society by the current day and age within the GER. [*]The reason for biomods being used for self-expression far more widely than cybernetics or advanced prosthetics boils down to the laws of the ____, which has designated that “the removal of healthy flesh and tissues and/or organs from the human body for replacement with mechanical or cybernetically-augmenting parts, for reasons of self-expression or any such behaviors not deemed medically necessary, is deemed to be, in the eyes of the law, a form of self-harm and illegal self-destructive behavior” by current times. This came in a lawsuit where, in the earlier days of such cybernetics and advanced prostheses being developed they were originally mandated to be ‘medical only technologies’ where it required a proper medical reason and rhyme to get such things installed. Some companies began seeking to find ways to commercialize the technology to the wider public in turn after this, though the ethical debate over the matter would only intensify in the wake of this. To ‘get ahold’ of these, some individuals would cut off limbs or damage themselves, either on their own or in some cases with illegal ‘medical assistance’, to try to get access to these sorts of implants or prosthetics more rapidly. Indeed at the time it was the cause of a spree of these cases, caused by rumors online that many bought into that they could perform such frauds to ‘get past the system and laws’, and this in turn required deliberation in turn. The legal case in particular that set things in motion proper as they are currently was a man, one ____ ____, who got denied a cybernetic prosthetic by one company after what had seemed to be an ‘accident’ causing the loss of his arm turned out to be part of a foolish and ill-fated plan to get a ‘cool cybernetic arm’. As stupid as the case was, the man sued over the denial and claimed he ‘needed it to function in a job and subsist, and that the company was ‘causing him undue levels of suffering and trauma’ by denying him something. During this case some would even argue that “he can do with his organic limbs and body as he wishes, and if he wants to replace his parts with augments he has the right to”, though in the end the judge and chosen jury would make the call that “what Mr. ____ did was no more than destructive and mental-health-worrying self-harm in the desire to get an advanced mechanical prosthetic for non-medically-necessary reasons, and thus it has been found that the prosecution’s ill-fated scheme to this end renders his right and attempts to claim and purchase an advanced prosthetic limb to be null and void”. This would require clarifications at the federal level thereafter, which sought to ‘set the boundaries clearly’, and would in turn be the legal decision leading to certain regulations being placed on such ‘cybernetically-augmented equipment’ that it “has to not require the removal of healthy tissues or organs from patients” and that it take the form of externally-worn equipment and devices in any general-use or non-medically-regulated forms. Combined with the eventual rise of casual biomods into the scene, where lessons learned from the past led those seeking to get these regulated in favor of sought to make them ‘easy and safe for patients and for trained applicants of this technology to remove outside of a medical environment’, it would manage to pass the legal bar of standards despite being a ‘slower burn’ to develop into the state it exists in by current times. This being said, it would still be regulated in the casual sense quite notably in other ways, mostly to “avoid people trying to become super-soldiers” and such goals like “getting casual super strength to go kill a man” or such things. Aesthetics and such were the primary focus in this vein of things in the casual market thereafter, at least outside of medical scenarios where one might get medical biomods for health reasons but could also get non-medical/casual ones for use otherwise. However, in the case one got both kinds of biomods they would have to ‘get safe approval by their doctor’ in certain cases depending on what casual biomod(s) they sought to have installed. It is safe to say that with the emergence of casual biomods in the vast majority, though, some have also in the tiny minority sought to use legal and illegal cybernetics and prostheses to ‘go against the bio-tide’ and express themselves in that way. However, this has been met with becoming even farther outliers than some who use ‘excessive’ amounts of casual biomods. That and there also is the existence of illegal biomods and such out there to boot. Etc. Though there are certainly augmentation-based biomods and the like used in the military and in some more limited ways by the police, though these are packaged and streamlined deals that are made for easier whole-package removal for those retiring or leaving the force (including mandatory therapy sessions and medical care for some time to adjust them to the non-augmented body/life more smoothly as required by law; are also used by military alongside things like unpowered exoskeletons or such too, etc). [*]With Earth-based or other general adapted animal and plant life brought over by humanity, the risk of ‘rampant invasive species issues’ hasn’t really arisen as much thus far in the past centuries. At least, after a fair bit of trial and error in this respect over the centuries. While some instances of ‘invasive species’ problems have still ultimately emerged in some areas, many others are mostly unable to survive in the waters and environs of Sarpedon for the same reasons humanity couldn’t just eat and digest the lifeforms and matter of the planet normally right out of the gate without assistive genetic adaptations and such: They weren’t built for living on Sarpedon. [*]Advanced artificial intelligence is used within the ____ to secondarily assist in most areas, ranging from customer service to industrial facilities/factories to areas such as research and development to boot. Certain rights of humans to work have been cemented in the workplace as well, however, ranging from the ancient issues of art theft used to train A.I. and seeking to create a sort of ‘good balance’ between the two areas has seemingly been reached in a general sense. Admittedly some issues, such as A.I.’s use within customer service areas and such, do still fluctuate from time to time even still. However, how did this ‘balance’ manage to come to be? To put it simply, centuries of struggle back and forth from anti-A.I. advocation to the extreme and the alternative of overusing A.I. within human society has led to this point after literal centuries of struggle. Ranging from the initial use of A.I. and robotics where humans couldn’t operate things, to the zealous regulation of human deployment in areas where humans could be used instead, to the eventual wild swings back and forth within government and industry alike (itself a hotbed of some industrial lobbying and its eventual strict high regulating to boot when it came to this issue, among others) of policy on and off over the centuries. Yet it would be the horrible results of these swinging policies and good ideas and lessons learned along the way that would shape things. From unemployment and rioting and such from former workers, to the disastrous failure of critical systems and loss or near loss of several floating cities, to the mismanagement and loss of large sums of money and resources to hacking and such, to even the misuse and destruction caused by automated and obsessively non-automated systems like during and outside of times of war, etc. This alongside the practical refinement and development of these technologies would see it and robotics alike eventually reach a place of ‘moderation’ that they have today in ____ society. [*]It is of note to say that the initial presence of more extreme and violent environmental and such groups/parties has notably dwindled from the initial decades of settling and living on Sarpedon, both naturally so and otherwise. Initially they had a more notable presence due to the dying and loss of Earth and numbering some among the first-generation colonists, and not wishing to repeat the same mistakes on a new world they would be part of the struggles of humanity as it sought to survive and thrive on a new world. At the same time things such as the ____ ____ Incident, and the widespread news about it alongside worries of ‘terrorist activists’ among the survivors of the ____ ____, would turn people against such ideas on the other end of the spectrum in ways alongside the fear of ‘ensuing human survival’ being at the forefront in those earlier days. So it is not that such organized groups do not exist in a general sense yet still after all of this time, outside of more extreme and violent ones, but the less-violent ones seem to compose more so the far greater majority in current times as well. The struggle to maintain a healthy world, and a good relationship with it, has ever continued as it is wont to do. However, the consciousness of such matters among the initial colonists had rubbed off fairly well by current times to both good ends and in others become forgotten in less-than-good ways within ____ society and civilization as a whole. [*]Much of how the habitats of Euryale V have come to work was built on history, in part, as well as on more than a small amount of bodies and deaths along the way. Yet the thriving industry of the half-rotating and half-permanent residents has continued to push it along, whether in making fuel for vessels or to ship back to Sarpedon itself and so forth. While about three independence movements have occurred within the history of those living in the habitats of Euryale V when all of its residents and workers were permanent, though, its inherent need to connect with Sarpedon for other necessary resources, improvements in life quality and treatment under the law and in effect in the long-term to enough of an extent, and the booming growth of the ‘rotating workers’ and frankly even ‘commuters’ coming to work on the habitats of Euryale V in recent decades have been among the factors that led to coming into line with the mainstream of the ____ as well as seen it grow into the strong sector of the nation it exists as currently. A small minority handful of old-timers, who saw the very vestige tails of when the habitats were only manned by permanent residents year round or were influenced by the ‘old timers’ of their age, and those influenced by them in the younger generations seem to imagine the potential for an ‘independent Euryale V’ in current times at best. Yet by and large locals and the rotating/commuting workers alike these days consider themselves citizens of the ____ first and foremost with all of the benefits and rights. Some claim the rotating nature of roughly half the workers on the habitats of Euryale V was to ‘prevent secession’, though others point to evidence of ill-health effects to those who stayed too long and a lack of raw manpower to fill the facilities and produce what they needed as the local economy grew but the population wasn’t able to go about growing fast enough to match. (Etc.) [*] (Should this nation have a Jurassic Park of its own? 🤔) [*](More To Be Added Later, Potentially) [*] [*] [/list] [center] --- [/center] [color=f7941d]Governance and Politics[/color]: The general practice for democratic voting is that all adults, those 18 and older by law, are able to vote in general elections at the increasingly large local, district, regional, provincial, and national levels respectively. The general idea is that you can’t vote on who is mayor or such in a place you don’t live as well, naturally/inherently, of course. There is some hybridization with liquid/representative democracy as well in this case. Normally citizens have the foundational right to vote on who to represent them as with a representative democracy, but in this case citizens can also sign away or hand over votes to another akin to a liquid democracy to use on their behalf. Simply put, people can invest their vote into the personage of a representative to vote on their behalf. Representatives can be as small-scale as someone’s lazy adult kid giving his vote to his mom or dad to use on his behalf, as big as a bunch of such parents investing their accrued votes into a common singular representative on a larger scale, etc. However, each citizen also has a just as fundamental right to ‘rescind’ their vote from a representative to reclaim it if or as they wish, and the use of votes as ‘currency’ to hand them over to others in legal or commercial or such exchanges (and contracts in general) has been strictly forbidden…..and not without reason either. Albeit there are regulations are in place to prevent mass vote-pulling for trolling or such bad-spirited reasons, such as trying to ‘pull out the rug’ from underneath a vote-invested representative’s feet to troll or humiliate them, though it doesn't illegalize mass vote withdrawing in all cases such as if public opinion turns against a candidate your representative is voting for, etc, and you change your mind). Representatives are those who exist in those political positions, aka: Mayor, President, District Judge, etc. Voting Representatives, then, are those who are invested with votes by others to use on behalf of others. Different things fundamentally. Also, a sitting politician/representative or someone in the running for a political position (defined in law so I don’t have to try to go into deep legal details) cannot be used as a Voting Representative by others and loses that position and power and so forth if they do enter such a position or go into the running for one. Those who work for a sitting politician directly, such as staff, janitors, and the like, cannot be used as Voting Representatives either. All Voting Representatives are also barred from accepting pay to become one or participate as one (this issue always comes up here and there in the courts, but the law is generally actually enforced). So not only are candidates seeking to gain political positions, but some supporting them might go on their own sub-campaigns for the candidate seeking to accrue votes to use to vote for them. Double the political campaigns, and sometimes these sub-campaigners work against each other to accrue votes. Votes can be handed over on three levels. The first is the ‘one use basis’, such as for a singular presidential or mayoral race and what most major candidate sub-campaigns will seek for. The next is a ‘limited time basis’, which cannot exceed one or two years due to federal law and in minor part depending on the local region one is in. Then there is ‘on a semi-permanent basis’, meaning that the chosen voting representative has the handed-over vote(s) until or unless those who gave them their vote(s) decide otherwise. This of course comes with its own storm of regulations and court cases by current times to boot. At the very top, however, the government is still generally unitary-ish by nature in how laws and such are enforced from the top-down. Federal-level law is everyone’s law mandatorily, with certain nuances and regulations left to lower-levels of the governmental system to be flexible on and decide for themselves. ….Meanwhile, the actual behind-the-scenes oligarchy basically controls government systems in the background, with behind-the-scenes institutions from top to bottom to help support and reinforce this by current times with how far their reach has come to stretch in reality. It doesn’t micromanage everything from top to bottom normally, the flexibility and such gives people room and representation enough to satiate them and allow things to run well enough in general, but it does step in and exert authority where and when it sees fit and when its interests are either endangered or when its members wish for something to be done. Their ability to control things is at all levels in reality indeed, even if they don’t always abuse it all of the time. Still, it is by far in current times seen as a crazy but lingering conspiracy theory that a ‘secret cabal controls the nation itself’, and even more so with the sub-rumor that ‘its members are all immortals’ and such things (they are actually in most cases ‘effectively immortal’ in some scientifically-wrought way or another, funny enough, but this bit of the conspiracy theory is seen as the most ridiculous as well). The ‘true synarchy’ behind closed doors also has a titanic amount of wealth and the like individually, but even they have created a sort of code of ethics and such to try to regulate themselves internally to boot. ((Note: At some point the underlying synarchic oligarchy did, in fact, attempt to have members focus entirely on certain areas of things in a manner similar to the original definition of a synarchy/synarchism. It didn’t really pan out too well, but the general idea of each being invested or skilled or involved in a different area/areas to complement each other did roughly stick and become codified among them to some extent in the end at least.)) [color=e73d25][b]Technology Overview[/b][/color]: [list] [*][u]Limited Graviton/Gravity Technologies[/u] - A breakthrough in human scientific understanding that, ultimately, was developed with the intent to allow humans to settle more widely and oddly across the surface of the planet of Sarpedon in some ways. Harnessing the power of the graviton, it allowed the anchoring of buildings using ‘gravity tethers’ (for ocean cities or suspended larger buildings/habitations) and has enabled the use of artificial gravity devices on spacecraft, habitats in the atmosphere of Euryale V, and general space stations. This being noted, however, this technology has become limited to these implementations (and due to RP rules) due to how bulky and rough the nature of this technology is. [*][u]Nanotechnologies[/u] - Ranging from advanced nanomaterials able to recover from or withstand terrible storms, to nanoengineered factories capable of producing incredibly hardy and resilient materials and specs using a combination of organic and inorganic processes, to the likes of electrically-resistant and resilient medical nanomachines, to nano-scale art exhibits, to even nano-scale synthetic fabrics beyond the reach of human hands, to the safe installation of new cybernetics and removal of them alike, etc, these things emerged mostly as human civilization on Sarpedon would begin to reach beyond its infancy after a number of macroengineering questions had to be answered. It is a form of technology that has become an in-depth subject explored and still to this day being tinkered with within ____ society. [*][u]Robotics (and Artificial Intelligence)[/u] - While humans have retained a by now more grounded place in the workplace despite the presence of robotics, this technology has still transformed things much over the years alongside the issues and development of advanced artificial intelligence. Ranging from deep-sea or voidbound mining drones with rugged exteriors, meant to handle rough and dangerous environments of the seas and space, all the way down to household human-like or such robotics used to assist parents, act as elderly caregivers, or even just be time-spending supplementary companions to keep even a minority of people who buy them for such reasons more socially engaged and happier in the household. They are implemented in various industries ranging from production and refineries, both on-planet for Euryale IV and in the myriad industrial habitats of Euryale V, in commercial industries as in-store assistants in some cases, in areas of business targeted at all sorts of ages, and even within the military for use alongside living, breathing soldiers. Among the most famous companies to produce household robotics are “Vaul Technological Enterprises”, “Raijin Robotics”, and the last of the “Big Three” names in robotics being the “AutoDoll Corporation”. Yet, historically at least, the most notable of these three companies is the lattermost one: The AutoDoll Corporation. Founded roughly four hundred and eighty three years ago by a well-to-do German-born polymath and first generation colonist, Dr. Heinrich Nachtnebel, the AutoDoll Corporation has remained a generally consistent name in the realm of robotics and secondarily in artificial intelligence (at first) for most of its history. Being one of the oldest extant companies within the GER, it has passed from hand to hand and generally stayed a profitable and lasting presence within the industry that even today still has an existing civilian market and a number of military contracts with the government. While seen by some as an ‘old hand’ that has been around a long time, or being past its glory days, it is also a presence that remains far from being ‘gone’ and continues to regain occasional relevancy here and there after having managed to adapt to the times. Knowledge of Robotics is also employed for the use and deployment of "Specialized Single-Pilot Vehicles" (SSPV), which range from 14-foot-tall humanoid-like "Urban Combat Piloted Vehicles" (UCPV) that are deployed in small numbers in serious urban police or “Military-Grade Specialized Single-Pilot Vehicles” that are deployed in military scenarios in rough/dense/wild terrains like forests, to ball-like underwater submersibles with attached robotics arms and mounted tools for underwater work, to similarly-shaped ball-like space-piloted vehicles for work in a vacuum and bearing their own array of arms and tools and specialized features, and even civilian-grade SSPV's akin to the UCPV that are used in logging and construction and even certain forms of hazardous work environments. For the most part SSPVs of any kind are not for frontline combat in every situation, especially on open terrain, but in what such roles exist for them is something they've been able to be specialized for or adapted to from their original civilian-grade models. Because that is how these vehicles arose, beginning as rough and hardy ‘enough’ civilian work tools and load-moving suits for industry before eventually spreading out from there in their potential uses elsewhere once the technology eventually came down to being well-understood enough. Some have even been integrated for use with cybernetics for finer-tuned control on the part of an operator(s), which seems to be another more recent development in the last few decades for SSPV technology in general. It is of note that SSPV military variants and police variants, while of a higher grade in a number of ways, aren’t made to be tanks either. They mostly take on anti-personnel-type roles alongside other ground units, and can be used to assist in even anti-SSPV roles and configurations as well. Robotics has also played a part in the development of cybernetics and mechanical prostheses, ranging from internally-implanted medically-approved-for-health-reasons-only devices to the civilian-grade externally-worn and commercially/etc available forms under the law. (Etc.) ((Note: Some cybernetics or prostheses are actually medically-implanted ones that, under law, are medically required for safety on the habitats of Euryale V or certain extreme environment scenarios, though this also requires recipients of such medically-regulated ones to sign waivers and As for artificial intelligence as a whole, the line between incredibly smart and human-mimicking models and still-sophisticated but decidedly less-humanlike ones has become less blurred and more well-defined over the centuries than some as far back as the early 21st century would have perhaps assumed. While the making and programming of them has certainly not been free of the occasional idea or debate if ‘A.I. has become sentient and sapient’, and incidents of activism or online rumors over certain individual or ‘viral’ situations regarding A.I. have occurred without a doubt along the way, current-day law and regulations have placed a number of tight restrictions on ‘certain aspects and capabilities’ of A.I. after having finally breached past the era of ‘overly enthusiastic widespread A.I. usage’ and its myriad and seemingly inevitable problems along the way. Albeit this was a long, troublesome, and also-inevitably dangerous road of understanding and development that saw many current-day laws written in the depths of tragedy and at times in blood and sweat and tears otherwise. [*][u]Genetic/Bio-Engineering Technology[/u] - Mastery over the genome and an understanding of genetics has been achieved on Sarpedon over the past five centuries, the beginnings of this being wrought in the work before colonization and afterward to adapt the human body to the more alien conditions of Euryale IV/Sarpedon proper. It can also be linked to a number of leading members of the field of genetics and bioengineering and their own involvement in these things as far back as the ____’s records (and those on the old colony ship) go. Research into the field to save and preserve Old Earth species, work to understand the genetics and biology of Sarpedon, surgeries developed long ago on the cutting edge for the rich and wealthy, plagues both familiar and on rare occasion oddly alien, the danger of and development of bioweapons, and similar things have also contributed their own bits and pieces across the myriad decades until current day to create the local understanding and mastery over this ‘craft’ in a manner of speaking. This and the at times sporadic or gradual march of technological development helped to facilitate the improvements in the sciences behind this technology to boot. In a manner akin to getting a tattoo or piercing, people get ‘biomods’ as a means of self-expression. Anything from cat-eared streamer girls on college campuses, to a gang of men with shark-like sharp teeth, to teenagers getting eye and body mods to ‘stand out’ or something of the sort, the use of biomods has taken the place of something like cybernetics in the causal sense due to the ‘father ahead’ developments of Genetic/Bio-Engineering technologies compared to cybernetics and cybernetic/mechanical prostheses within the ____. ((Note: In some medical cases, a mechanical prosthetic or cybernetic implant might be deemed safer for use than a biomod, or perhaps be deemed ‘more effective’ than a simple regrown replacement part/tissue/limb/organ for someone (usually due to old age or such factors though).)) [*][u]Fusion Technology/Fission Technology/Batteries[/u] - The GER has developed improved, self-sustaining fusion technologies, as well as the likes of fission and fusion batteries/cells/engines in increasingly compact sizes and improved outputs. While mentioned in another tech category in the above parts, it is worth a mention here on its own regardless at the very least. In part, however, fuel for some of these things is derived naturally, safely, and sustainably from local seawater to boot before being further refined or processed to required specifications. Other fuel production is taken, derived, and developed in facilities suspended in the atmosphere of the neighboring gas giant of Euryale V. Modern practices are more sustainable for these things, in part due to development and time and in part at least some level of hard-learned long-term and more recent environmental-consciousness that has affected the generations that have been born and living on Sarpedon in some way or another (even if not directly these days) since the fall of “Old Earth”. This being said, the development of power-generating/holding technologies has historically on Sarpedon been an influencing factor in 'downscaling' or 'upsizing' some other technologies along the way. Among the technologies that came into fruition with the ‘downsizing’ of power sources on Sarpedon is the development of hovercraft/ground-based ionocraft (and likewise thrusters and such related technologies) making use of electrohydrodynamic thrust for rapid and quiet on-planet ground-level transportation, which have been able to be developed far enough for both the civilian and military markets to make use of them in one way or another (including finding them to be vehicles used on the roads to boot). (A nice little historical note to end on with this as well for fun!) [*][u](Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point)[/u] - [*][u](Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point)[/u] - [*][u](Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point)[/u] - [*][u]((Extra: Technology Q&A Section (To Be Added Onto As Needed)[/u] - [b]Q[/b]: Wasn’t Gravity-Based Stuff Banned? [b]A[/b]: Yes, and I ran what I have here this time by Tort before putting it into this app as well to be safe. No tractor beams, or other wonky stuff like handheld gravity guns and such, just simple gravity tethers to suspend stuff and enough to do artificial gravity stuff in space proper. I just wanted to put it in the app to feel like I was fleshing things out properly and likewise IC rudimentarily justifying why (beyond it being an RP rule) that there isn’t more grav tech stuff in my nation.)) [/list] [color=e73d25][b]Military Overview[/b][/color]: ((General Military Info: [list] [*]Use a mixture of Kinetic, Missile/Explosive, and Particle Beam weapons in a general sense across various theaters ranging from ground all the way to combat-oriented spacecraft. [*]Orbital Defense Vessels are only located around Sarpedon/Euryale IV and Euryale V defensively, though upon the opening of the Gateways more will be deployed and made to heavily guard a wide perimeter around the Euryale System’s gateway proper alongside patrols and a spaced-out series of space stations. [*]Improvements in Nanotechnology have led to the development of modern military exoskeletons/exosuits being by far unpowered/passive by nature, rather than risking a powered one making a ‘wrong move’ and tearing off someone’s limbs or worse (etc). This does not mean these modern exoskeletons/exosuits are themselves useless or weak in comparison, however, as their unpowered design has also left more room to add defensive protection/survival aspects to it (such as further protection against biological and chemical weapons). However, despite this they can and do often still have powered tech integrated into them (etc) for use in the field. Just the base exoskeleton/exosuit itself isn’t powered is all, but things thrown in there for use out in the field or that are attached to them externally can be powered. [*](Leaving Room For More To Be Added Later) [*] [/list])) [hider=Ground Vehicles/Soldiers] [center] (Basic Soldier [Example]) [img]https://i.imgur.com/IZku3Eh.jpeg[/img] (Exoskeleton Soldier [Light Exoskeleton/Exosuit; General Example, Not For Ground-Based Only]) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/79/ec/7a/79ec7a26cdc78d7d2c12df6a759e3794.jpg[/img] (Exoskeleton Soldier [Heavy Exoskeleton/Exosuit; General Example, Not For Ground-Based Only]) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/58/6d/b1/586db16081f3c7771755aa191bf29efc.jpg[/img] (Multi-Role-Capable Military Hovercraft [Missile Loadout]) [img]https://i.imgur.com/xM7TVro.jpeg[/img] (Rail Hovertank) [img]https://i.imgur.com/vPR2VVo.jpeg[/img] (Track-Based MLRS-Type Vehicle) [img]https://i.imgur.com/RNg9GF8.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5tzJ7BH.gif[/img] (Latest-Generation Military MG-SSPV; Is Used In Very Limited Numbers In The Field Currently) [img]https://i.imgur.com/rRCgmNq.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kYxH2E6.jpeg[/img] (Current Gen Military MG-SSPV; In Widespread Usage) [img]https://i.imgur.com/acgnW01.png[/img] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Naval Vehicles/Soldiers] [center] [img][/img] (Frigate) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/48/f0/94/48f09490bb1d8f5f8bfee95b61bf76cc.jpg[/img] (Destroyer) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/d4/75/7c/d4757cde941d1e18ba2d5706652f6b4d.jpg[/img] (Carrier [with Bombers]) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/7e/10/0f/7e100f872c7c9aa85be6b78806362db9.jpg[/img] ("Newtype" Battleship) [img]https://i.imgur.com/vjv4fXn.jpeg[/img] (Marines) [img]https://i.imgur.com/V8apoLG.jpeg[/img] (General Purpose Attack Submarine) [img]https://i.imgur.com/KUTzFI9.jpeg[/img] [img][/img] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Air Vehicles] [center] (General Aerial Fighter Craft) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/0d/e4/38/0de43814971f06185900734a44f8766d.jpg[/img] (Heavy On-Planet Dropship) [img]https://i.imgur.com/djGVEyo.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lGn0YDd.jpeg[/img] (Aerial/Planetary Combat Drones) [img]https://i.imgur.com/6FIO619.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B9kSBQF.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/olN0BLb.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7h8AA5V.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0nq9zvR.jpeg[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/014/133/296/large/luc-fontenoy-vtol-test-05.jpg?1542629456[/img] (Planetary VTOL Craft [General-Purpose/Troop Transport] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mw0n5SS.jpeg[/img] (Planetary VTOL Craft [Missile/Support]) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/35/4e/0d/354e0df3607373787dd9a1533a0df5f1.jpg[/img] (General Purpose Planetary Gunship) [img]https://i.imgur.com/kFAdq07.jpeg[/img] (Outdated/Pirate-Type Aerial Attack Craft) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/8f/f3/36/8ff3369b54d92ff141de5b08a2b176d0.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Space Vehicles] [center] (Manned/Unmanned-Configuration-Capable Fighter Craft) [img]https://i.imgur.com/a9Ji7NB.jpeg[/img] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/073/512/987/large/gavin-rothery-misc-snub-fighter-piece-01-flight-v016.jpg?1709826323[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qfhlQF5.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/e7/2b/c3/e72bc39765d8589bd4c583abe8a3eb7f.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/fa/68/00/fa6800224e10f5853915db24ab00e9e3.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Cmt1SWX.jpeg[/img] (Smaller-Scale Unmanned Drone Space Strike Craft) [img]https://i.imgur.com/a0Sue7P.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/doPdeRg.jpeg[/img] (Frigates) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/72/43/80/7243808ff825608470a88c3a3efd33d6.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/8f/5d/16/8f5d167694bf2bb9d8658341a1f393e5.jpg[/img] (Destroyer) [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/030/890/914/large/dipo-muh-final-destroyer-04.jpg?1601976100[/img] (Carrier; Can Carry Smaller Manned Vessels/Fighter Craft; Alternatively Can Carry Many More Drone Strike Craft) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/7c/8f/47/7c8f477d4bf180cffb66cd2fb89ded33.jpg[/img] (Military Patrol Craft) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/bc/a4/53/bca45307ba6b74e0dcb5a9ce33360cb0.jpg[/img] (Orbital Planetary Landing/Takeoff Capable Personnel Carrier) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/0e/ad/a5/0eada52214fc461a8384335535296dcb.jpg[/img] (Cargo Craft) [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/070/789/327/large/stanislav-gorshenin-cargo-ship-1.jpg?1703525855[/img] (Orbital Defense Vessel) [img]https://i.imgur.com/r7iiQVY.png[/img] (Outdated/Pirate Boarding Craft) [img]https://i.imgur.com/vTzCNlV.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/0a/89/de/0a89de6ed10ab3263be48b63a3ebee4a.jpg[/img] (Outdated/Pirate Attack Craft) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/b5/cf/77/b5cf77b4a243176a56d5fc6f78086b72.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [center]******[/center] [color=e73d25][b]Additional Info[/b][/color]: [sub](Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)[/sub] [list] [*][hider=The ____’s True Leaders - The Synarchs] A section to be filled out IC, both as they are revealed (primarily) and as I actually write them up (which will likely not be all at once) and such. They will be passed by the GMs to make sure they're ok to toss in behind the scenes as I actually manage to write up and finish each one, but won't be publicly tossed into the app until they are used or revealed IC to enough of an extent (to keep some sort of mystique about them around, at least maybe). [hider=Synarch 1: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [hider=Synarch 2: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [hider=Synarch 3: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [hider=Synarch 4: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [hider=Synarch 5: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [hider=Synarch 6: ???] [center][img][/img][/center] (Description here) [/hider] [/hider] [*][hider=Example Pic: Civilian-Grade Autodoll - Model: “HM”/Household Model - Type: “H-T”/Humanoid-True - Subtype: “CC”/Companion & Caregiver] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0KACaXi.jpeg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [*]((More To Be Added….Eventually)) [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider]