[hider=Azure Roux][color=A9A8AF][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/RPQuFu6.png[/img][/CENTER] [i][color=714F8E]"We are all made of fragile things—memories, whispers, and shadows."[/color][/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c5frSIG.png[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub]Azure Amir Étienne Roux [b]|[/b] He/Him [b]|[/b] 25 [b]|[/b] Human, Black-American (of Senegalese and Monegasque descent) [b]|[/b] 6'0" [b]|[/b] 159 lbs [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Mysterious [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Skills & Talents[/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"Talent? No, it's instinct."[/color][/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [b][color=714F8E]Singing ⫻[/color][/b] His voice is hauntingly beautiful, with a dreamlike quality that lingers in the air and captivates anyone who hears it. [b][color=714F8E]Playing the ocarina ⫻[/color][/b] Before her death, Azure's mother gifted him an ocarina and taught him how to play the lullabies of The Otherworld. These soulful melodies have a way of evoking wistful memories and unspoken desires. [b][color=714F8E]Storytelling ⫻[/color][/b] Azure has always had a knack for storytelling. He weaves enchanting tales filled with mystery and whimsy, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. [b][color=714F8E]Mythology and Folklore ⫻[/color][/b] His deep knowledge of myths and legends allows him to interpret and retell them in ways that feel deeply personal. [b][color=714F8E]Manipulating social dynamics ⫻[/color][/b] Azure has a talent, or what he'd rather call, an instinct, for reading people and subtly guiding conversations or situations to his desired outcome. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"The world is unbearable without a touch of decadence, no?"[/color][/i] [indent] Like something out of a gothic fairytale, Azure Roux is a vision of ethereal elegance, his tall, svelte frame carrying an air of mystery and effortless grace. His dark skin shimmers under the full moon, smooth as polished obsidian, while his mystical violet eyes seem to hold galaxies within them, drawing people in with their hypnotic witchlight. His features are delicately balanced—full lips, a button nose, and short, tightly curled hair that frames his face like a crown of dark clouds. Slightly pointed ears lend him an almost fey-like quality. Silver hoop earrings glint with every turn of his head, subtle accents that add to his striking beauty. Every detail, from his posture to his gaze, radiates an allure that is equal parts human and otherworldly. His style is no less captivating. Azure is rarely seen without his black mink coat, its oversized hood often draped like a shadowy halo around his head, giving him a mysterious and commanding presence. Beneath the luxurious fabric lies an unusual tattoo etched into the skin of his toned chest, its design both intricate and arcane, a secret of his past whispered only to the stars. Everything about him feels deliberate, from the small details of his appearance to the way he holds your gaze just a moment too long. There's an unnatural pull to Azure, an undeniable charm that makes it hard to tell whether he’s luring you into a dream or a trap. Either way, his natural magnetism lingers long after he's gone. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"Hold on to your secrets, my love. They're far more valuable than honesty."[/color][/i] [INDENT][b][color=714F8E]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] Azure is not [i]wholly[/i] in his right mind, though perhaps he never has been. His main goal is to find his soulmate, believing this person, whoever they may be, is the key to achieving his [i]true[/i] goal in life, entering The Otherworld, a mystical place he has believed in since childhood. He believes, in The Otherworld, he can live eternally without pain or suffering... [b][color=714F8E]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/color][/b] Azure believes that life is a series of delicate, interwoven tales, each moment a potential masterpiece to be crafted. In his eyes, the world he inhabits is only a shadow of something far greater, a prelude to the eternal. Since childhood, he's viewed his every step as part of a sacred journey toward The Otherworld, a place where he is convinced he can escape the limitations of mortality. For Azure, this world is merely a fleeting dream, and the true reality, the one free of pain, lies just beyond reach. As such, his motivations don't always make the most sense to those around him. [b][color=714F8E]SECRETS AND FEARS ⫻[/color][/b] He is "Widowed twice over", having directly, and accidentally, caused the death of both his now-deceased spouses. He fears never finding his soulmate and never being able to enter the Otherworld. He doesn't fear death itself, only the wrong death that would prematurely end his true destiny. Azure believes The Otherworld is a secret reserved only for himself and his soulmate-to-be. [b][color=714F8E]SEXUALITY ⫻[/color][/b] Bisexual, having first been married to a man, and then a woman. [b] [color=714F8E]WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ [/color][/b] The emergence of his magic accidentally caused the death of his second spouse, and though the experience was traumatic at first, he surmised this person was not his soulmate after all and therefore, he should continue looking. But more importantly, discovering his magic convinced him even more that he is something of the fey and not of this world. [b][color=714F8E]FLAWS ⫻[/color][/b] Azure's greatest flaw is his obsessive belief in The Otherworld, which blinds him to the real beauty and connections around him. His devotion to find his soulmate leaves him somewhat isolated, as he views others as distractions or tools to manipulate to achieve his goal, drawing them into his web of secrets. His possessive nature leads him to fiercely guard what he considers his, whether it be people, possessions, or memories. He can also be somewhat self-indulgent too, thinking only of what he wants rather than what is best for others. Ultimately, Azure's inability to completely distinguish between fantasy and reality keeps him trapped in a cycle of longing, dissatisfaction, and heartbreak. [/INDENT] [sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"I can give you the eternal love you have always wished for. Just promise me, you will not pry..."[/color][/i] [indent] Born into the shadows of Los Angeles, where the glittering lights of the city never reached the crumbling tenements he called home, Azure's family teetered on the edge of homelessness, scraping by on odd jobs and dwindling hope. Despite the hardships, his mother’s warmth and his sisters’ laughter gave him fleeting moments of joy. But the fragile foundation of his life shattered when tragedy struck. A devastating fire claimed the lives of his father and two older sisters, leaving Azure and his mother to pick up the broken pieces. With grief weighing heavily on their hearts, his mother turned to stories, weaving vivid tales of a magical place called the Otherworld. In this mystical realm, she promised, there was no pain or loss, only perfect love and everything was beautiful. She had only told him these stories to help him cope with the pain. And that, despite the pain, he was more than a mere human, he was destined for so much more. But little did she know how deeply Azure clung to these tales, his mother’s words filling the void left by his family’s absence and planting the seed of a dream that would shape his life forever. Fate, however, was not finished with its cruel hand. His mother, the anchor of his fragile world, fell ill and passed away, leaving Azure utterly alone. Homeless and grief-stricken, he wandered the streets of Los Angeles, carrying the stories of the Otherworld in his heart like a sacred text. The belief that he could one day escape his suffering and find a soulmate who would lead him to that promised land became his guiding light. But the harsh reality of life on the streets tempered his desperation with cunning. Azure learned to charm and manipulate, using his beauty and silver tongue to survive, all the while clinging to the dream of a love so perfect it could defy the cruel world that had taken everything from him. Salvation came in the form of Agatha, an old family friend who found Azure huddled on a street corner. Agatha was a wealthy but cold woman who lived in a sprawling, dilapidated mansion with her lonely son, Charlie. Welcomed into their home, Azure quickly became a beacon of light for Charlie, who had spent most of his life neglected by his mother. The two boys bonded over their shared loneliness, and Azure’s enchanting stories of the Otherworld mesmerized Charlie, giving him something to believe in. But beneath Azure’s magnetic charm lay a growing need for control. As their friendship deepened, Azure began subtly manipulating Charlie, ensuring his loyalty by feeding into his insecurities and isolating him from others. The mansion became their private universe, a gilded cage where Azure ruled as the center of Charlie’s world. As they grew older, their bond evolved into something more. They married in their early twenties, their youthful passion masking the cracks in their relationship. For a time, they lived as young lovers in their own world, but the toxicity of Azure’s need for control and Charlie’s growing resentment began to surface. When Charlie finally tried to leave, Azure’s desperation exploded into violence. In a heated argument, he impulsively lashed out, unintentionally pushing Charlie down the grand staircase of their home. The fall was fatal. Charlie’s death was ruled an accident, and Azure escaped suspicion. But the loss haunted him, not for the love he had lost, but for the soulmate he believed Charlie was not. Determined to find the one who would lead him to the Otherworld, Azure buried the past and moved forward. Years later, he met Aisha, a woman drawn to his otherworldly allure and the promises of eternal love he whispered into her ears. She fell for him completely, bewitched by his beauty and the dream he painted for their future. Azure’s condition—that she never pry into his past—seemed like a small price to pay for the perfection he promised. But curiosity gnawed at her, and when she uncovered the truth about his history and confronted him, it unleashed something inside him. His long-suppressed anger and grief collided with a newfound power he didn’t fully understand. Everything in the room, including Aisha, began floating aimlessly. Overwhelmed with horror at what had happened, Aisha ran out of the house screaming and, in her mania, ran into the road and was hit by a car. Azure was left widowed once again, but this time, his pain was tempered by revelation. The illusions of himself smiled at him, almost reaffirming. He believed this was a sign that he was not truly of this world. His newfound magic confirmed what he had always felt: he was destined for The Otherworld. Now twice widowed and carrying the scars of his past, Azure continues his search for his true soulmate in the small town of Twin Pines. Each day, his belief in the Otherworld grows stronger, fueled by his grief, his magic, and his unshakable conviction that he is meant for a realm beyond this one. After each death, somehow, he feels closer to the perfect love that will unlock the gates to the Otherworld and free him from the pain of this mortal coil. [/indent] [sub][b] Magic[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"Why stay tethered to this place when you and I can drift into the Otherworld?"[/color][/i] [indent] [b][color=714F8E]MAGIC ⫻[/color][/b] Velvet Gravity; Azure can soften gravity around himself in a small area, making objects float gently or appear virtually weightless. [b][color=714F8E]MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻[/color][/b] Azure’s magic, Velvet Gravity, allows him to manipulate gravity’s pull with a delicate, almost sensual touch, softening its grip like velvet against skin. When he activates this power, the world around him seems to lose its weight—objects drift lazily through the air, untethered by the usual rules. Azure can use this effect on himself, allowing him to traverse effortlessly across rooftops, leap impossible distances, move silently, walk on water, cushion his falls, or descend from great heights with the grace of a feather caught in a gentle breeze, among other applications. With concentration, Azure can apply this effect selectively, creating pockets of softened gravity in specific areas and he can extend it to those around him, allowing them to benefit from this weightlessness. In battle, he uses it to disorient opponents—swords swing sluggishly, bodies stumble as their sense of balance warps, and thrown projectiles hang uselessly mid-air. [b][color=714F8E]LIMITS ⫻[/color][/b] Velvet Gravity’s abilities are limited by Azure’s need to focus on the immediate area around him. He can only influence the gravity of objects or individuals within a certain radius, making it ineffective for long-range manipulation. This magic also requires a great deal of concentration, as Azure must maintain a delicate balance to avoid creating unintended effects like destabilizing objects or causing them to float away uncontrollably. The more objects he tries to manipulate at once, the more taxing it becomes on his stamina, limiting the duration and frequency with which he can use it [b][color=714F8E]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/color][/b] Gravity may be a constant but Azure's control over it is not. Immense concentration is needed to maintain the effects of gravity and if something breaks it he risks a feedback loop where the magic he waves is instead applied to him alone and not to the world around him. Thus, if he lowered the gravity around him he could float away without being able to control it. Likewise, if he decreases the gravity of an object that same gravitational shift could apply to selective parts of his body. His heart, for example, would not be as effective without gravity's pull. [/INDENT] [sup][b] Other[/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i][color=714F8E]"Sometimes, the most exquisite things are the ones that hurt the most."[/color][/i] [indent]MISQ SECTION[/INDENT] [/color][/hider]