[u][b]River[/b] [/u] [i]she/they [/i] aged 15-17 Haunted Library RP Character Recent murdered victim of The Master, whom's body was found hanging from the roof of the library with half of her leg missing, a piece of bone sticking out. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ Dirty-blonde-haired demigirl with blood splattering the remaining part of her right leg. They are wearing a non-hooded sweatshirt and jeans and are often found reading books in the library. She is optimistic, stubborn, nosy, flirtatious, and somewhat delusional from their time in the library. She is spattered with blood. They are bisexual and sometimes "check out" the newest victims, and in her words, "looking for interest to take up when they die." They can be toxic at times and like to mess with victims, making the eyes of old paintings move and books fly off shelves, flipping pages of books that appear to be doing it randomly. She is described as a poltergeist-type spirit who likes to mess with newcomers and survivors. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ They were nearly part of an escapee team, however she was the last one to head toward the door. A Dark entity caught and dragged her back in as the door closed, and it stripped them of most of her right leg. She was thrown out the window and had landed on a little hangover side of the roof, left to bleed out and she was too weak to follow. [hider=Kinda Gruesome Death] wanted to detail her death in giant passage rp form.. here u go for lore River gasped- they had managed to get the doors open! She quickly made her way over, the last person to reach the door. As they attempted to step out, something grabbed her leg. She screamed- it violently tore from her her right leg, leaving only a bone and blood covering the ground. The escapees looked back, reaching for her hand- and the door shut. Now a bloody mess, she clawed her way forward. But the entity heaved her up and threw them at one of the old, stained windows. They hit hard, and the glass shattered, blood everywhere. She hung from the roof above the library's porch, screaming as she bled out, watching the others go, too weak to continue. There River lay, bleeding with her body starting to rot as her soul was sucked into the Library, forever trapped. [/hider] [hider=Header] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Mkdtw97L/image-removebg-preview.png[/img] IMAGE GENERATED ON Artguru: https://www.artguru.ai/ [/hider]