[hider=The Legionaire] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250204/018981e935d22dfbbbcc1199615cbf3f.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ac/81/00/ac810089c8ca5bdb8da000c19e6c1ac6.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=0076a3][h3]"What, you act like you've never seen a Nord read before."[/h3][/color][/center] [color=0076a3]Name: [/color]Sildun of Clan Oath-blood [color=0076a3]Age:[/color] 28 [color=0076a3]Race:[/color] Nord [color=0076a3]Appearance:[/color] Standing at around seven foot, nearly three feet shoulder to shoulder, with mountains of muscle and fiery hair indicative of his northern lineage and sheer size making it all the more obvious. With light scarring crossing his pale skin from lessons learned from a harsh upbringing in the frozen lands and deeper ones from service in the Legion, visible or not. Still even with wildly long braided hair and sizeable beard he keeps himself clean and well groomed. Often seen in steel plate with animal hide lining giving the appearance of the common Nordic warrior. Still the symbol of the Legion is pinned to his armor denotes his service and position. [color=0076a3]Personality:[/color] Most would call him loud or foolhardy, Sildun does not pay them much mind, Nords have never been understood by men or mer. Often time philosophical and thoughtful when not wading into battle against foes, with imposing size and muscle. A careful few recognize the intelligence and cunning of scholar they see only the soldier, the warrior, the dumb brute of a Nord, he prefers it that way. His time in the Reach taught him that though honor and faith are important, battle takes more than heart and steel, cunning too is needed especially when foes have access to just as much steel and more magic. As such while comes off as any other Nord might there is a cunning and learned skill behind his demeanor that works to conceal, playing what others believe him to be so he always under estimated. [hider=Skills:] [color=0076a3]Well Trained Warrior:[/color] Trained by Ivar Spell Breaker, Thane of Eastmarch, warrior poet, and most important to Sildun, his cherished uncle. Silden would learn the blade and spar against his adventuring compatriots in Markarth, as he grew older he would also be allowed to accompany them on jobs or explorations. Preferring axes, hammers, swords of any size paired with a shield, Sildun’s time in the legion also taught him how to fight in concert while adventuring he learned to fight alone. [color=0076a3]Life on the Rim:[/color] From the impressive peaks and valleys of Skyrim's many wonderful views often nestled atop its many rocky cliffs, it ensures those who travel the region must have the ability to resist the cold. As well as the stamina, and strength of lung to ascend the high mountains in armor, with packs upon their backs. From near vertical free climbs, to enduring the harsh snow storms and winds, or marching up a mountain, Sildun has plentiful stamina. [color=0076a3]Scholar and Philosopher:[/color] As the third son of the Jarl of Eastmarch, Sildun did not expect any great inheritance or title, not even that of Thane. However by the age of five his voracious appetite for books and knowledge was becoming an issue to the castle staff. So with Ivar for protection and guidance, Sildun’s father had him sent off to study with scholars by the time he was eight years old. His growth as a scholar and researcher would have been studying ruined walls when his uncle took him adventuring or if not that writing and trying to learn as to the reasons behind his lessons. He hopes one day to contribute that knowledge into a book of his own. [color=0076a3]Deftly Maneuvers:[/color] Some folks think a big man has to be slow, or that they cannot be limber and agile. For those who choose strength in excess this is true, but it’s not practical in the slightest, as from riding to climbing to how to jump and recover. Sildun has learned well how to stay on his feet and dodge blows, while he is no Bosmer he is certainly more capable than most men. [color=0076a3]A Bear's Best Friend: [/color]During his time in Skyrim he would visit home in Windhelm before returning to the Legion he would be accosted by a Snow Bear while camping. During the struggle between the two as night fell a group of Falmer emerged from the caverns attempting to kill the pair, battling together as the injured duo struck down the Falmer and their pets with steel and claw. Tending to the snow bear's wounds before his own he collapsed, passing out, trying to honor the creature who helped him fend off the damnable monsters. He would awaken to find the bear standing watch over him. With his ankle sprained he sat upon its back and directed the bear onwards. Now three years later, the duo is near inseparable. Naming her Bloodclaw, she has been his companion and inducted into the Imperial Legion herself. [color=0076a3]Restoration training:[/color] Constantly finding himself in trouble and hurt while studying in Markath. Sildun ended up learning some restoration magic from Ivar’s fellow adventurers Jean Tamrith and Lady Ravyn Telvayn. The spell sword and mage of Ivar’s little band insisted on the fact the young man was going to make mistakes he should know how to heal them. Barely at an apprentice level being able to heal himself or another has saved his own life and others repeatedly. He has some small ability to fortify but he knows little outside of these skills, mostly enough to support himself or heal minor wounds. [/hider] [hider=Magic:] [color=0076a3]Restoration:[/color] Healing Fortify Speed Fortify Strength [/hider] [hider=Equipment:] [color=0076a3]Personal Items:[/color] Simple traveling clothes, bear skin cloak, and 300 septims [color=0076a3]The Lock Box:[/color] Amulet of Talos, pocket guide to the Empire 1st edition, his room key for an inn outside the Imperial City paid for a week, and personal journal. [color=0076a3]Stored Items:[/color] Signet Ring of Eastmarch, Sealed Letters from Markarth, Legionnaire heavy armor lined with fur and hides. Small personal book collection, Nord Hero Great hammer, Legionnaire Shield, Bastard Sword, and Bloodclaw his Snow Bear mount. [/hider] [hider=Backstory] [color=0076a3]Background: [/color]Sildun was born in Windhelm, to his father, Jarl Harald “Peacemaker” Oath-Blood and his mother, Astrid Death Song, a Warrior Skald from the Rift. The youngest boy of six children and with two younger sisters, Sildun was really paid much attention at court. Like his brothers much was expected but little time was able to be given to him alone. As such from a young age he found comfort in books and tales of old. His training with a blade began as a child, sparring with his older brothers or being instructed in how to fight by his father’s Housecarl and Thanes. He was of passable skill but did not stand out, especially compared to his two older brother’s Leif and Agmundr Oath-blood. Sildun’s love of knowledge and pestering curiosity did have an effect, namely getting him sent to study in Markarth as a ward there; from the time he was eight years old he found himself immersed in the study of history, philosophy, and even magic. While he studied hard, his father, believing any Oath-Blood must know how to defend himself, assigned a Thane to watch over and tutor the boy. Ivar Spell Breaker, a Nordic mercenary, turned Thane who had trained at the College of Winterhold, he was also Astrid’s brother as such Uncle Ivar regularly trained Sildun with a blade when he was not engaged in his scholarly pursuits. It was Ivar’s tales of the wider world, of foreign cultures and introductions outside views via his Uncle's fellow mercenaries and adventurers. His fellow students were mostly Nords though he met many Breton’s and Reachmen while living in Markarth, he found it utterly interesting especially when compared to the stories heard mostly in the less developed eastern Skyrim. As the years went on his days were filled with studies, exploration, and hearty discussion around the hearths. It was during this time he took a small interest in restoration magic, less in the name of doing good or helping others more out naked self Sildun's teenage years found his growth in swordplay and scholarly studies, becoming a talented researcher and historian. Though much like Nordic Skalds are warrior bards, Nordic researchers do not wait for others to find things, they go in search of things themselves. With armor and veteran adventurers in front of him, Sildun often came along to support the others with a lesser share of what they found to be a great deal of learning to be done. With sword or shield or warhammer, he found practical experience following those who made their riches delving into dangerous forgotten places in the oldest kingdom of men. Eventually the adventurers his uncle had in his circle prepared to travel for the next few years towards the end Sildun's teenage years. Uncle Ivar planned to travel back to Eastmarch and renounce his Thaneship and travel with his friends as mercenaries and adventurers. Ravyn, Gahz, Jean, Verela who had taught the young man so much would give a final send off, a warhammer they had restored in Whiterun supposedly belonging to an ancient Nord Hero... It was no enchanted or storied weapon, but they said it would be his job to give it a tale. Sildun would volunteer for the legion acting as auxiliary and support to the Legionaries in Skyrim, Highrock, and even Cyrodiil. While serving aboard or traveling home, he came to realize that the perception of Nords was dissimilar to how the Nords saw them themselves. An unconquered people who followed strength and power most of all, who preferred to live honest and simple lives did not much care for politics or power struggles. He found that outside of their homeland where Nords were cautious about outsiders, it was much worse in other places. Nords were viewed as strange and backwards people, by many and often thought as foolhardy or brutes. Attempts to challenge that notion of led chuckles or decision as ‘the scholarly Nord’ save for when he served with the Legion. During his time working under centurions he found he was often a valued asset and often well liked by his fellow soldiers. While he appreciated the comradery it was learning that others looked down upon Nords that taught him it was best to keep his knowledge to himself. When not training, fighting, or traveling, Sildun was most often found reading or in a form of meditation. Since his companion mount and Bloodclaw joined him in service he has found himself traveling to more far flung places. Assigned to legion service alongside cavalry units he withdrew. He was strong of size and hand, with service to the Legion he only found himself growing stronger and more skilled. Whether facing bandits or more organized foes the crack of his hammer or the strength of his will, even his booming voice striking fear in the foes before him. When not with the Legion and close enough to home he’d return to Markarth to study and learn more, if not he’d seek out other institutions of learning. Nearly a twenty year student, Sildun has recently traveled to the Imperial City with hopes to further educate himself. His fellow Legionnaires from Skyrim accompanied him to see the arena match. Sildun was more interested in visiting the Arcane University, these hopes were dashed when the soldiers he was accompanying decided to get angry with the bookie in the tavern. Said bookies goons then promptly tried to fight their way out when the brawl started... The last thing he remembers was one of the Bookie’s goons striking him as and Sildun throwing him so hard into the lock box it shattered and sent Septims scattering across the floor... Right before he brought a club down on the back of his head... Seven times after he tried to rise with each hit. Awakening in a cell, he's certainly realizing this will complicate plans to visit the university. [/hider] [color=0076a3]Ambition:[/color] To bring knowledge and learning back to his teachers. [/hider]