[quote=@rush99999] Caught off-guard by Mister MegaTen suddenly gaining the ability to speak, Luka spent a few moments blinking in abject confusion at this sudden turn of events. It didn't take him long to regain his mental footing though. Straightening himself up, Luka cleared his throat and then spoke his reply. "I am Luka Durand." Luka introduced himself. "And we are currently in my limo. Please do not worry. You are quite safe here... Might I know who you are?" [/quote] "Oh, yes, thank you. It's nice and dark and quiet in here." The creature shivered; its chimeral form made the motion unsettling. "I get... nervous... when there's too much light. Or too many people." The huge eyes blinked again, focusing on Luka. "It's very nice to meet you, Luka Durand. Most people know me as the Devil of the Pine Barrens, or just the Jersey Devil." It lifted one cloven hoof to scratch at its snout, and its face twisted in something that might have been a frown. "But I always thought that was kind of a mean name. You can call me Jehoshaphat Leeds." That long head swiveled around, taking in the details of the car. "If I may ask, how did I get here? It feels like I'm a long way from home."