[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjEyMjI3OC5RV0o1YzNOaGJDQkdiM0puWlEuMA/angel-bandit-demo.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/E9EAMEV.jpeg[/img] [youtube]https://youtu.be/Yv5UAdAa9v4[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQ4LjEzMjI3OC5RMmhoY0hSbGNpQkpTVWs2SUZSb1pTQlViM2RsY2cuMA/italianno.regular.webp[/img] [color=757163]Light had returned for the first time in centuries to Fountain Square. Leon’s and Pluurii’s sky lights persisted as a beacon to all those lost in the decrepit city and the oppressive fog that threatened to consume those that strayed from the paths. This halo among the frigid black and blues of Halge Larchelon had inadvertently saved their sibling groups who had progressively reunited with the musical trio after trudging through the litter of bodies, most of which obliterated by the Tarlonese’s shots. First was the trio of Yvain, Seviin and Yuliya, covered in dust and dirt from their altercation with a foe that could not be harmed. They were, overall, fine with minor scratches treated by Seviin’s limited abilities in binding. More grievous wounds would have required organic matter with the limitations imposed by the very air they breathed, and luckily they had piles of unnaturally preserved corpse meat to work with. The second group emerged from the bowels of the city after a challenging climb through an old service ladder. Juulet was, surprisingly, the faster one given the other was Xiuyang with her shattered arm and limited ways to stifle the pain. The Yasoi kept a healthy distance from the human that made her animosity clearer than the ball of translucent light in the sky, but she always offered the butt of her spear as help to get her up. If only out of a sense of preservation. [center][color=#5875b0]“Finally, you are one unit.”[/color][/center] The radio at the top of the broken fountain spoke again after they had been given time to catch up and assess their situation. It had timed its ‘return’ when it deemed that they had gathered enough of their bearings. [center][color=#5875b0]“Congratulations. None have made it as far as you. You have been kept responsible for one-another for a very specific reason: You all serve a vital role in this venture. And you have not failed to deliver on this caveat. I invite you all to rejoice before we proceed. We are not finished.”[/color][/center] They had taken different arteries through the city to arrive at what was, more or less, the center of Halge Larchelon. The Forge was further North, or rather the obelisk-like structure that towered over everything else by a significant margin. Given they were closer, its form was clearer through the walls of fog that veiled it. The very tip scratched the gargantuan cloud that served as a defensive dome to the city, the only thing truly touching that wicked curtain. [center][color=#5875b0]“We will be infiltrating the Forge. To do so, two failsafes must be realized.”[/color][/center] The loud speakers screeched as the radio seemingly connected to them and started to speak through these unnervingly loud contraptions. [center][color=#5875b0]“One fell into the flooded depths that once purified the waters of the ocean for these very people. Another at the peak of the tilted tower that safeguard this prosperous civilization from invaders, second only to the monument you see before you.”[/color][/center] In spite of how loud he was, nothing stirred in the darkness. Those that roamed the streets, neither dead nor alive, had truly been put to slumber, it seemed. [center][color=#5875b0]“Now, the Forge itself. Once the tower is awakened, those that ventured through the fog will have a brief window to enter. Opening the gates for your comrades should be relatively simple once within. I recommend keeping your main group strong, for the fog may lead some of you astray. We want at least one of you to make it through. Soon, this curse will be lifted.”[/color][/center] A brief pause emphasized just how silent even the wind had become ever since the sirens rang. [center][color=#5875b0]“May fortune favour you all.”[/color][/center][/color] [hider=Action Opportunities] You have a choice on how to split yourselves to complete the following tasks: 1- Activate the flooded failsafe. 2- Activate the failsafe in the leaning tower. 3- Push through the fog and enter the Forge once the tower is awakened. It is strongly recommended to keep the above two small and the last one with as many people as possible to maximize the chances of someone making it through the fog without getting lost. You are also free to talk to the radio. Because it is connected to the loud speaker network, if one is close to the many speakers, they may get an answer from the radio. [b]How this will play out:[/b] For 1 and 2, I will actually play them out. They should be short, with one of them being rather simple (opportunities for character interactions). For 3, this will be an opportunity for a prompt. The fog induces hallucinations that can vary from parlour tricks to a deep dream-like state with lingering effects afterwards as seen with Yvain. You may have it be a dream sequence, or a fight against lethargic but still somewhat aggressive thralls that take on different shapes, or even be a way to write a solo post you’ve always wanted that’s deep within your character’s memories. This will be the first part of this chapter and I intend for it to go quickly. Those inactive will be lost in the fog, most likely. The second part will be more interactive.[/hider]