[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] With the success of the scouting group in contacting the fae, the knights were able to progress to the fae realm and obtain an audience with the Moonlit Queen herself. Unfortunately, if there wasn't already clear enough just how precarious their situation in her realm was, it became very clear when the Moonlit Queen caused the captain's hair to rapidly grow. By the standards of the fae, it was a relatively harmless gesture, probably just a petty whim of the Moonlit Queen to make an aesthetic "improvement" to Fanilly, but it demonstrated just how powerful and impulsive she could be. If she desired- or if an errant thought popped in her head- probably could kill most of the group without any effort. Fleuri was not pleased to find himself in this situation- at the whims of a capricious fae in the heart of her power. He did not believe he could contribute anything here, nor would attempting to do so seem wise in light of what the fae queen did to Fanilly- best to allow Fionn, who was most familiar with fae, to do the talking.