Silence hung in the air for a few moments. There wasn't a single sound. No birds. Not even the wind. The realm of the Moonlit Queen was dead silent as she acknowledged the confirmation of the manner in which her guardian had been destroyed. While the growth of her hair had been distracting, there was no way that Fanilly would allow it to pull her attention away from the situation at hand. The next few moments dictated everything, and they were in a place of certain disadvantage. The Fae Realm was entirely under the Moonlit Queen's control, after all. But there was no real choice if they wanted to negotiate with her. The silence was practically deafening. And then--- The Moonlit Queen clapped her hands together, a bright smile lighting up her childish face. "Really? That's impressive! I thought I did a good job on that one, too," she declared cheerily. Internally, Fanilly found herself letting out a sigh of relief. They were hardly out of the woods yet, but at the same time they had made a step in the right direction, and the Fae did not seem angry. "I thought it'd have chewed up aaaaaall your guts~" the Moonlit Queen added in a cheerful fashion. Her child-like looks and demeanor only made the situation all the more surreal, "But I guess not~" She shrugged. "... Why, though? Do you want to stay with me?" That last question felt heavier. As if the edge of a knife had just been sharpened. Fanilly tucked her hair back as best she could and stepped forward. Her heartbeat threatened to rip its way through her breastplate, but now was no time to hesitate. They had to be clear. The negotiations had to begin. "We're here to bargain, Moonlit Queen," she began. The fae tilted her head, curiously, large, black eyes shimmering. "Bargain? For what?" Fanilly took a deep breath. This was the moment that could determine the success or failure of their mission. The way in which this unpredictable, supernatural being replied to their goal. "For the return of Duke Thedric's wits." The silence returned. This time, however, a small frown had found its way to the Moonlit Queen's lips. After a few moments, she crossed her arms, and much like a petulant child she looked away. "No." The Knight-Captain stared blankly for a few moments. Just an outright no? Immediately? "Bu---" Before she could continue speaking, the Moonlit Queen cut her off. "No! That... big, stupid idiot---!" A breeze started to rise, now. It rattled the branches of the distant, black trees. "He doesn't deserve to have them back. Hmph. Acting like he doesn't have time anymore..." 'Acting like he doesn't have time anymore'? Fanilly took a deep breath. She was hoping that the Moonlit Queen would have been more interesting in the idea of a bargain, but at the same time--- Maybe--- This wasn't unsalvageable? It seemed as if the Moonlit Queen's reason for taking the Duke's wits had to do with some sort of perceived slight and past relationship, at the very least. "Moonlit Queen," she began, sucking in a deep breath between words as she attempted to choose them wisely, "I won't waste any further time. What could we offer as a wager to make you consider returning his wits?" The fae girl didn't reply immediately, letting out another huff, her arms folded over her chest. When she finally spoke, however--- "There's nothing. After all, you'd have to offer me a wager just as entertaining as watching that big mean dummy prance around without his brains just to get me to think about it. Can any of you even [i]do[/i] that?" She turned to face the knights once more, leaning forward with her hands on her hips. "What can all of you even [i]do[/i]?"