[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] After everyone else had said their piece—after Grovemaster Isolde’s horrifying dispel, and treacherous words, even Éliane was left with her mouth wide agape. That creature’s actions were so far beyond the pale that Éliane was well and truly incensed, her features formed into a scowl at the [i]audacity[/i] of this bitch to meddle in affairs like this with such self-satisfied, sanctimonious rambling, as if she knew better. “Denied. You do understand,” Éliane replied softly, but with her voice raised loud enough for the grovemaster to hear. “That this is a literal act of war, correct? You are declaring war against Skael and Edren?” The pink-haired woman tilted her head, her cannon now pointed directly at the grovemaster. She had thought Isolde had been the sole voice of reason among the twisted and misguided leadership of this country, but she had been gravely mistaken. This woman was the worst of them all. “I was not joking when I said that Skael would invade your country to protect ourselves. Isn’t it nice of you to provide an extra cassus belli by declaring on us all on your own?” Éliane decided to break the standoff. There was no way her party was going to agree to her demands, and she was so literally done with this country and this woman that she would just about do all in her power to have Skael actually come with her dreadnoughts and roll this country over and turn it into a parking lot for her country to take the fight to Valheim. “Right then…” She clicked off the safety of her cannon, and pressing the trigger, began firing right at the bitch, protective warding be damned.