[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ziR5Pse.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,420 (+6) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](254/140) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](170/100) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Dead Zone [/center] [color=SpringGreen]”Oh come on, he can just replace the stuff? Lame”[/color] Jr complained as O began selling the ruins of his first run of attacks. Still, it gave him a brief free moment to raise his staff up and cast [color=SpringGreen]”Medica!”[/color] in-order to produce a pulse of healing to restore his, Pits, and Rika’s Beast form’s health, undoing some of O’s own efforts in the process. Of course, then he got right on trying to make up for lost time, building tall stone walls around them, freezing the ground beneath them and popping down a trio of very large and irate polar bears at the opposite end of the enclosure. If O thought that it being cold was going to stop Jr making a mess though, he had another thing coming. Having poisoned a swamp, Jr now set about melting the ice caps, switching his brush from its default ink to the hot and spicy flavor. With sweeps of his brush, the prince laid down a moat of burning ground between them and the bears, saying that they should [color=SpringGreen]”Let em come to us!”[/color] He then called up to Peeka (who’d been left in the dust by O) to [color=SpringGreen]”Ready a Plasma Fission for the middle one”[/color] and then to [color=SpringGreen]”Wait.. Wait… fire!”[/color] At her trainer’s command, the floating ghost fired the twin bolts at the center bear right as it started to cross the burning goop. The bolt struck the target, splitting as it did so, causing resulting pair bolts to lash out at a right angle and hit the other bears as they too got stuck in the goop zone, slowing them all by 70% for a brief moment, making sure their paw pads got extra toasty. Beside him, Rika took that moment to counter charge, over a dozen pointy legs skittering across the ice for a not half bad grip. Enough to get up to speed anyway. Stopping would have been somewhat hard however, which is why she didn’t even bother, ramming horns first into the left side bear. In the process she slammed it back onto the fire patch, which it very much did not like. With a snarl lunged towards her and off of the goop, clamping them around one of her legs as she tried to get the rest situated on the mix of ice and slush she was now standing on. She cried out with pain as the limb was ripped clean off, only to thrust that open maw towards the bear, catching and snapping off an ear as the bear dodged back from her. Right back onto the flaming goop. The producer of that fire hazard was having a little trouble meanwhile, because he was a child sized turtle facing town a two full grown men sized bear. A bear that had not cared at all for the iron spikes he’d shot it with. Rather than get trampled, the boy lowered the hand shooting spikes to his tape player and hit play. Then wearing Undyne’s form he thrust her spear forwards, stabbing it into the bear’s side and trying to hold it back. Unfortunately, they were standing on ice, and metal boots did not give good traction on that at all, causing the prince to slide backwards along it till he was slammed into the stone wall. Built to keep the bears in, it was nice and sturdy, and thus very unpleasant to get flattened against. Gritting Undyne’s very pointy teeth, Jr endured it, and retaliated, raising an armored hand and giving the bear a right good Wallop to the snout, preventing it from clamping its jaws around his head by knocking the snap of course. Spotting movement above, jr snapped [color=SpringGreen]”Confusion ray!”[/color] at what he hopped was Peeka and, sure enough, from above, a purple ray struck the bear. At first this had no seeming effect, the bear swiping at Jr with a claw and denting Undyne’s armor, but with its second strike it somehow managed to hit its own head, causing it to stumble. Taking advantage of this, Jr lurched the still embedded spear to the side, pulling the bear off of him and getting out from between it and the stone wall. The bear stumbled to the side, attempted to turn on the prince, and for its efforts received several gashes in its side as the prince hit it with a double slice, and his cyber-ninja stiker Sho hit it with a flurry of his own. [color=SpringGreen]”Plasma!”[/color] Jr commanded as he backed up, getting Peeka to hit it with another slowing bolt, giving him just a few extra moments to dodge to the side of the bear’s charge, and score more slashes on its side. The bear scraped against the wall, only to suddenly as it pushed off of it with a paw and round on Jr with increased speed. Unfortunately for it, it was still confused, causing it to stumble and fall instead of catching the prince, landing hard on its bloodied side. As it struggled to rise, Jr pulled his spear back, charged power, and then unleashed it in an Undertow attack, causing an anchor of water to smash up beneath the bear. The beast was promptly launched up into the air, before slamming back down right onto a swoopin stu that had formed out of the burning goop, splattering it and the ground with yet more toasty slime. It raised its head, growled, and then succumbed to the dots and its wounds. It did so right next to an open mouthed and staring skywards Rika [color=SpringGreen]”What?”[/color] Jr asked her, glancing up just in time to see Sectonia finish getting run over in the sky by a roller coaster cart, prompting a bemused [color=SpringGreen]”What…”[/color] before what was actually processed what had happened. [color=SpringGreen]”Oh no no no no!”[/color] he rambled in a panic, making a run for the wall. His tape was paused, and making use of Roxa’s flow motion the prince leapt up, put a foot to the stone blocking his view of the fallen queen, and then wall-jump off it to get just enough height to see over the wall for just a moment. It would have been enough time for him to cast his instant full heal on the queen, but instead he saw he was already too late, and only managed to spot the tail end of the queen bee getting carted off by cats, prompting a [color=SpringGreen]”huh?”[/color] of confusion before he fell back down. He did so right into Rika’s clasped together palms, with which the princess then immediately launched him skywards again with a team jump. He landed atop the wall, balanced there with a single cartwheel of his arm, and was joined a moment later by Rika who escaped the enclosure via her grappling hook. [color=Aqua]”what happened to Sectonia?”[/color] Rika asked as she failed to spot the queen, to which her brother gave the only possible answer which was a slightly bemused [color=SpringGreen]”Cats saved her”[/color] Behind them, much of the enclosure had been splattered with burning ink, mainly due to Rika and her bear’s tumultuous brawl right on top of it. The rest would no doubt soon be smeared over by the swoopin status currently forming from it. Ahead, the vast majority of the seekers were brawling either with the gravemind or with consul D in what looked to be an absolute mess of a fight. They had arrived just in time to see D barraging Roland, Roxas, and Geralt with all sorts of magic, and to see the state of post 1 vs 1 brawl Nadia and Juri. Having missed one opportunity to intervene to help save life/lives, the prince did so now. First he raised his staff and cast [color=SpringGreen]”Presence of Mind”[/color] upon himself to boost his overall casting speed, and then threw out a [color=SpringGreen]”Cure!”[/color] spells for each of the 5 fighters facing down Consul D. While Jr was doing this, his sister went off to do a lap of the top of the wall, which was at first a little confusing to her brother, at least until bits of it started exploding behind her, the princess expanding her entire supply of torpedoes in order to use them as demolition timed charges. They were only as strong as hand grenades, but the Rika had dropped them down right by the wall, causing the detonations to go off point blank against the outer side of it, which should at least crack them, if it did not shatter them. Once he got what she was doing, Jr briefly paused casting Cure to call up [color=SpringGreen]”Peeka! Blast the bits she’s blown!”[/color] to his Flutter Mane, prompting her to hover back into the enclosure and to start firing plasma bolts at the bits of the wall that where still standing after Rika had torpedoed them.