Balancing out the Lode-gang with some m*les. [hider=Lenore's Gyft] [b]Gyft:[/b] [i]Carnage Induction[/i] Lenore possesses superhuman physical attributes that ramp up in relation to the violence surrounding her. Her emotions become more erratic and aggressive in relation to that increase in physical capability, capping to a point where she becomes a nightmare too fast for the human eye to track, strong enough to lift a small building, and durable enough to shrug off gunfire. Alongside all that, her senses sharpen as well, while her body temperature spikes up to double that of a regular human under physical exertion. At her best and her worst, Lenore is a crimson blur, leaving a trail of 'rust' in her wake. [/hider] [hider=Wes Easton] [center] [img][/img] [h1]Wes Easton[/h1] [b]47 y/o[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]Order of Enlightenment[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] A remnant of the Mechanical Society, a group that once pursued the advancement of human society through the fusion of Gyfts and machines, only to be crushed once they stepped upon the toes of too many competing gangs who both coveted the technology and did not wish to see their own monopolies in violence be diminished. Wes possesses only a portion of such knowledge, his own Gyft 'grafted' onto him by of the Professors of that now-extinguished circle of academics. A man of few words, if only because of his amateurish prosthetic head, he is an adherent of the Order's beliefs, having understood that it was not the flesh that made men weak, but their minds. Even if you eliminated hunger, even if there was no resource scarcity, humans, imperfect, irrational humans, would still fight. For now, he follows the Lodestar's guiding light. But he is not so cold as his body appears. [b]Gyft:[/b] Prosthetic Alchemy A vestige of the Gyft possessed by the Principal, the individual that lead the Mechanical Society. By utilizing the equivalent bio-matter and then introducing the mechanical tool meant to be infused with it, Wes is able to craft prosthetics that cannot be created or even understood by current technology. The process involved is mentally taxing, to the point that even a slight break in focus during 'installation' would cause the entire thing to turn into waste materials instead: inert hunks of metal that possess the form, but no function. Still, when they [i]are[/i] crafted and grafted, they become perhaps one of the few objects in Nocturnia capable of 'combining' with their wearer's Gyft, offering new advantages or removing past disadvantages. [/hider] [hider=Elijah] [center] [img][/img] [h1]Elijah[/h1] [b]33 y/o[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]Order of Enlightenment[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] An odd fellow who has attended to Matthias since the Lodestar has been wheelchair bound. He claims to be as faithful as any other, but neither concerns himself with the wet work that Lenore indulges in, nor the charity that Celina does to soothe her soul. Elijah, perhaps, engages with the Order of Enlightenment as a scholar would. He is not swept away by the desire to make Nocturnia a paradise, nor does he lust for a crusade against the ignorant. Rather, he stays with them for a front-row seat to something that may make history, or may burn as brightly as the Great Library once did. The mark on his left hand belongs to a house that has fallen into disrepute. The mask he dons on occasion harkens to crueler, less civil times. And yet, Elijah could not have experienced either. [b]Gyft:[/b] ??? [/hider]