After she asked the question, the noise was getting louder and more frustratingly kind of annoying. And terrifying. Very terrifying. Jor wouldn't let it bother her too much. Otherwise she'd be quaking in her boots, worried until something bad happened. "I really don't like that noise one bit." She mentioned before Nick, basically agreed with her inner thoughts of "Let's leave." Though she didn't quite understand one part. "Opposite the FOE? What does that even mean?" Jor asked aloud before shaking her head, pushing the curiosity about that statement to the back of her head. "You know, nevermind. Doesn't matter. The opposite direction of the scraping I assume? Well, if we plan on moving..." The snake woman scooped the fox girl up in her arms. She felt... Quite a bit stronger than in her previous life. "Here, you look like you might have a bit of trouble moving fast if it came to it." She mentioned while starting to slowly walk in the direction they intended to go. She should be able to hold the fox. She wasn't all that heavy really, and she felt quite strong now. No pain in her arms as she held the fox? It was interesting. "Might get a bit bumpy, uhh... Hikari? Right." Jor turned to Nick as she picked up her pace. "I think we'll be fine like this, boy-o. Keep those legs moving or you might be fresh meat for some weird animal or something." They just needed to escape now and she was hoping her running speed was enough to keep her and the fox safe. She also hoped Nick was able to run at a safe pace. She'd rather not have to make a permanent goodbye already.