The cutest Doll - Lena [hr] It was a little disappointing that the upper floor didn't seem to have much in the way of anything useful. Beds, some broken furnishings. Maybe a few scattered miscellaneous objects here and there, but as far as anything useful there was none. Likely already picked clean or taken during whatever mess caused this place to become abandoned or shortly afterwards, perhaps. So she made her way downstairs instead. Hopefully they would be - "O-oh. Thats...a body...oh." Honestly, though, what was she expecting? A completely clean building devoid of remains in what seemed to be the aftermath of a warzone? "Curse my cushy first world problems, nngh." Logically, she knew she shouldn't be put off or upset by such a thing in her situation, but it easier said then done. On the other hand, though...maybe they had something useful on them? Aside from the dagger, that is. Lena would approach the deceased body with some manner of caution and start to inspect the dagger and the armor it was wearing, reaching out and touching the armor with a firm, but gentle touch before starting to rifle through any pockets the armored individual might have.