[quote=@Qia] You can always do what I did which is finish the collabs and then write a small catchup post if it's needed :) orrrrrr write the post based on the update and post the collabs whenever they're completed if they don't mess up your timeline? [/quote] That's true! I'd hate to hold things up if everyone else is ready to move on. I'd just mark the posts with the IC date and such too if needed. I also got a few solo posts in the chamber too :lol it was a busy day for all the characters! [quote=@Estylwen] [@Yankee] I will wait until the majority of collabs are done, so there's no rush. My post won't be a surprise, haha. xD Just let me know when they're all done, and we can proceed from there. I have sheets to make meanwhile anyway. :> [/quote] Alrighty, I will let you know! Shouldn't be toooooo long anyway ^^