[h2]Tyaethe and [color=chartreuse]Fiadh[/color][/h2] [color=chartreuse]“Darling…”[/color] the niyar's eyes flitted between Fionn and the fairy queen, even as she seemed more excited than concerned by his destruction of her guardian. At least, the green-skinned fae was proving to be surprisingly good at hiding her worry – up to the point that she abruptly busied herself in the engaging task of fixing Fanilly's hair problem. The blonde would probably have preferred it if someone had just cut it short, rather than the fairy tagalong choosing to busy herself in tying it up so that it would stay out of the way. But Fiadh had the right idea, in Tyaethe's opinion; no sense in spurning what your host thought was an exciting addition [i]and[/i] this wasn't the sort of thing that came up every day. So, what was she good at? Eh, that was simple. “I'm only any good at fighting, if you don't have an interest in Reonite liturgy,” the vampire said, embarrassed smile on her face, “I've killed dragons, griffins, manticores, more undead abominations than I can count…” She tilted her head, “I've fought unseelie knights by the score, too. Could never get Rozenalt pinned down long enough to finish [i]that[/i] part of it but we had fun.”