The patrons took a moment to understand who was painting targets for them, but regardless it was fairly obvious that this difficult-to-spot disc was something important. They aimed up and opened fire on it, scoring the ceiling with a dozen plasma burns. The disc exploded in a shower of sparks that rained down on the droids below. This distraction meant the patrons didn’t have enough time to escape the flashbang, which exploded in the middle of them. Sensory implants were temporarily disabled, including regular sight and sound. They hunkered down and clutched at their heads in disarray. The two droids were now without one monitor drone, but they did each have a shield drone. These popped out of their backs and activated a shimmering oval kinetic barrier which stopped plasma coming from one direction. The droids exited their cover-booths into the gangway as soon as the flashbang went off, one looking forward and another looking back. The shields covered back and front. A patron shot at them from behind and was swiftly dispatched. Then the grandmother’s heavy repeater finally found a gap between the partially melted booths. A bolt hit the lead droid in the shoulder, narrowly missing the front shield. The droid crashed into a booth on the other side of the aisle, right arm and weapon floating free. The shield drones quickly moved to protect both droids from further laser repeater fire and the second droid took the lead. Reaching the end of the aisle, it quickly dispatched two of the patrons in their hiding places before the third leapt at it, pushing the gun away. Light had meant to shoot at the droids as they ran away, but Senjen was so fast he couldn’t even bring his weapon to bear. Instead he set up behind the kitchen counter next to the bald bodyguard and waited for the droid to appear. “We’re not going anywhere! Where the fuck are my soldiers?!” The man shouted. As if on cue, the back doors opened and six heavily armed waiters wearing powered exoskeletons emerged. “Secure the boss, go!” One of them said as they moved in. “Get down the stairs to the basement, take the armoured cash car out of here! I’m right behind you!” The woman yelled croakily. “I’m not leaving, ma!” “Uhh, what's that?” Light asked, pointing. A white spotlight had appeared outside the plate glass windows near where Senjen and he had just been standing. It was moving quickly, then slowed and hovered in mid-air.