[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qSXKgkY.png[/img] [sub][@Nanaya][/sub][/center] Well, that certainly did not help her defense. And here, Otis had figured that Ciara got along better with Hildegunde than with Iraleth. Did the sting of a perceived betrayal cause her to lash out harder? Did knowledge of Hildegunde's Ethos force the shadow-witch's hand, preferring certainty over trusting the unknown? The Strigidae considered it, then discarded it. It simply made Ciara's defense that much harder. She had almost extinguished one classmate, shaved years off the life of another, and then somehow decided to fight against a full-blown Umbralist in order to protect a third. It brought to mind multiple personalities. It brought to mind someone who only made decisions in the heat of the moment, with no consideration to past or future. He glanced towards her, amber eyes like looking at a specimen on the other side of the glass, wondering what she was. Wondering if he could puzzle her out before the executioner's blade fell. Shame about classes too. Otis stepped into the carriage after Davil and Chunji, securing himself a seat on the side. It would be a two day trip with no promise of being allowed to utilize their essence during its entirety, but at least he'd have things to keep his hands busy and his mind occupied. While others found their own places inside, the owlkin removed his gloves, rummaged for his sewing kit, and, before the carriage began, threaded a needle with a strand of gold. There was space enough for embroidering details, at least, and he doubted Rio and Chunji were the aggressively space-consuming type.