[color=fff79a]"I shall take care of his remains, thank you. I am Kyle, minister of The One, serving the community here. People come to this house of God from all over. The outlying hamlets only, of course, as Barleytown has its own place of the Holy."[/color] "Despite the uh... circumstances... it is nice to meet you, Minister Kyle." Sir Shane said as he led the way into the church at the priest's prompting. "I am Sir Shane the Shy, Knight of Stormhelm." [color=fff79a]"What brings you to these parts of the Dales, all the way from Stormhelm, good knight?"[/color] "I am... here on a quest." Sir Shane explained, choosing his words much more carefully than he did the last time. "I... have come to uh... investigate the rumors of... strange things awakening in the Dales, assuage the uh... the fears of the rivermen, and assist the people however else I can along the way." Sir Shane tensed up once he had finished speaking then. He hoped for the best, yet prepared for the worst.