[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5c54a990-cd39-433d-9139-15262cf86042.png[/img][/center] [quote=Salvator Rasch][color=#DAEE01][b]"Noted. Taking it into consideration. Like to make a note that I'm perfectly capable of listening to what you have to say without shouting."[/b][/color] [color=#DAEE01][b]"You heard them. Do what you can, but don't take any big risks."[/b][/color] He confirmed to Ilshar right before the latter started his probes.[/quote] [quote=Ilshar Ard’sabekh][b]“No way above,”[/b] he hissed in a stifled voice. A tarrhaidim could not really be out of breath, but he was still partly in the flash of reacquainting himself with his bodily functions. [b]“There’s ether-spawn there, huge ones, a whole pack. The cloak - they felt a disturbance, know we might be here. We need to move forward, fast.”[/b][/quote] [color=5FADAD][i]"Rapid maneuvers might tip our hand - if they are already aware of our presence, we should try and distract them without having them follow us or alert other nearby ether-dwellers nesting here in the station."[/i][/color] King voiced, turning to both Alice and Salvator. [color=5FADAD][i]"If the shroud has already put them on alert, perhaps it can be repurposed? Would it be possible to make a lure that could be ejected somewhere nearby to focus their attention? Something small but enough to shake their notice off of the shroud."[/i][/color] [quote=Rho-Hux][color=00a651]"Be advised, unknown creature spotted. 10-foot invertebrate. Doesn't seem sapient, nor has it displayed hostile actions."[/color][/quote] King's translucent form turned to follow Rho-Hux' callout. The hardlight construct somehow managed to produce a sound over the comms equivalent to a sharp, anxiety-laden inhalation. [color=5FADAD][i]"...I think I recognize that classification of entity, if not the exact species. It we can generate a node of qillatu and wrap it in a partial baffle cut from this shroud before ejecting it, it should go for the more obvious meal. If we just try to maintain the shroud I think it will be on our backs for the rest of this damn mission. Echo, can your scan give us a read on local atmospherics, partial or otherwise? Chemical munitions might work best here for dealing with this entity directly without raising too much heat."[/i][/color]