[h1]Tyran Doliran[/h1] 
[b]32[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]’T-Rex’ - Blue Feathered Reverers[/b]

Tyran knew Harriet from a pretty young age, as he met her sister in Nocturnia when they were teens - Harriet being a few years younger than the two of them. Tyran ended up falling for and being engaged with Harriets’ sister - Daliah. A few months before they were set to get married, Daliah ended up falling ill and needed to go to hospital; revealing she was ill with a strange virus and also was pregnant with Calem.
Long, sad story short - Calem was born healthy, Daliah passed shortly after.
Tyrant signed his rights to Calem to Harriet and ended up disappearing from the city, managing to smuggle himself out through an aid truck after taking a uniform and stashing himself away.

It is unknown where he went, but he’s back in Nocturnia; captured upon reentry and held captive.
Harriet knows he’s back, and she’s gunning to find him.

[b]Gyft:[/b] [i]Sharp Tooth[/i]
Tyran possesses surprisingly strong bite force, able to bite through most hard metals. His teeth are almost completely indestructible - Bar of course, cavities like normal humans - But they won’t chip or shatter.
His lips stretch back to the entire length of his jaw line, but when his mouth is closed, he seems vaguely normal.

Also here's Harriets' BIL, Calems real father xD


[sub]please someone know where this is from or I am gonna feel fucking old...[/sub]