[H2][b][i][center]Kharne[/center][/i][/b][/H2] [hr] Kharne was seated next to a rather animated Redguard woman who was trying to pester him about his travels alongside the other Argonian on the other side of her. A young man talked about cards or dice, probably confiscated if anyone had them. He didn't speak yet, too busy thinking about how he even got in this situation while his arms were crossed over his chest. He had been drinking at a tavern, or inn, he didn't really know the difference between them, and he had been bumped. Which normally wouldn't have bothered him, alcohol and people equaled rowdiness. But the bumper had been a Dunmer, a very drunk Dunmer who had said things he shouldn't have. And then vomited on his feet which got even more ire from Kharne. Needless to say it's hard to recognize who the man was now, even magic couldn't fix that much damage and get it back to normal. The only thing that saved the drunk from dying was the guards already dealing with riots and were already in the area. So now Kharne got to sit in jail, a very packed jail. A small packed jail cell with a female Dunmer who had that holier than thou look. Kharne's eyes were practically glowing with hatred for her and he knew nothing about the woman while his hands clenched on his biceps. But guilty by association rules the reptilian mans mind. A different small cluster of people were talking about using shit water, which dragged his eyes over and away from the Dunmer woman. A young man in fancier garb than the rest of them was bickering about tea, a strange drink. Soggy leaves staining water brown that was so mildly sweet it didn't matter. Events didn't stop there, a big Khajiit broke out of the cell across from them, spoke to the guards, and was escorted into their jam packed cell. The guards acted like it was just another normal day. Big fluff introduced himself as Kiffar before he was verbally assaulted by a Bosmer. All the noise was starting to overstimulate the normally quiet and reclusive Argonian. Oh by the gods now an older looking woman was talking to the fancy lad and she talked weird! Kiffar was quick to go hunting for a seat, given that size anyone would move. Or suffer death by crushing fluff possibly.[color=#B40404]"Welcome to this side of the corridor, Kiffar. I'm Kharne."[/color] He rumbled, his voice surprisingly deep for his species. His voice was low, rumbling like thunder overhead, and held a slight rasp Argonians were known for. His eyes cut to the woman seated next to himself. [color=#B40404]"And you?"[/color] He questioned so he wasn't entirely rude.