Senjen was catching only glimpses now that he was in cover behind the counter, but it seemed the fighting was going about as well as he had expected. Even with the surprise now having worn off, the patrons were still outgunned. One of the droids took a hit, but they were still working their way through the patrons alarmingly quickly. The man remained stubborn, even to the old woman’s commands. Perhaps he had a reason, with the arrival of his soldiers. They were well-armed and equipped with exoskeletons that might bridge the gap to the droids...or they might just end up slowing them down somewhat more effectively. Senjen really had no way of knowing who would come out on top between them, just that it was a fight he was not close to being equipped for. The best he could hope for was to leverage what he [i]could[/i] do...especially if it ended up pulling him out of the fire in the process. Senjen had rushed over to the man and his daughter, his gaze darting to the spotlight just outside the windows. Instinct was telling him that the situation was about to get even more chaotic. Either they came with him now, or they probably wouldn’t get the chance. “Look, there’s no reason to keep her in the line of fire. Let me carry you both out of here, and you can get her help.”