[quote=@Estylwen] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/VXaq77GiyEo?si=t_le4le4inwLtkeF[/youtube] [img]https://i.imgur.com/28OEZcG.jpeg[/img][/center] To All Whom It May Concern, The Sinners intend to go to War with the the BFC come Dawn (next IC Day). All Who wish to participate are recommended to pick their sides and coordinate with their respective members. May the best Nocturnian win! [/quote] I raise you: [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEMXeutADiQ[/youtube] Through the fear, through the heart that's broken Our world lies in wait for me Let me tear every scar left open This is, the taming of the beast I'll end this war you started I'll stitch this wound with bloodshed [i]You are my wicked victory[/i] [/center]