[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vCOad5d.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/e9VoB/MGI1NjQ0Y2U4MzYxNDhkMmIxNTI0YzJkMmVkZWUwOGMub3Rm/Q2lhcmEgVmVudHVyYQ/handwriting-signature.png?r=fs&h=138&w=2813&fg=FFFFFF&bg=000000&tb=1&s=49[/img] [/center] [hr][i][color=gray]Wingram Front Gates[/color][/i] [sub][@Nanaya][/sub][hr] A promotion. Ciara thought it highly unlikely, but in this situation, Michael knew more than her. Perhaps he felt a shred of pity for her, and was giving her some sense of false hope. Regardless, if he was terribly upset with her, he didn't show it. Honestly, if he thrashed her she probably wouldn't react much. It'd happened at the orphanages enough times. But instead of all that, he was… almost kind, with his words. Ciara sighed a little and nodded, before focusing on the shift in conversation to Professor Alto. At the news of Hildegunde, Ciara felt a terrible twist in her stomach. If she had had anything for breakfast, she was certain she would have lost it in this moment. That was [i]her[/I]. [i]She[/i] did that. If Hildegunde never opened her eyes again, that was [i]her[/i] fault. And Hildegunde had only ever been kind with her. Hell, they had even stood on Ciara's side. And now? No one was on her side. No one her age, at least. No one in her class. Was this really what she would amount herself to be? This sad, lonely girl with a mountain of sins? Ciara ran a palm over her eyes, then down her face, as if she could rub away the guilt. Shouldering her bag, she marched herself to the girl's carriage, sparing one glance to Davil. Yes, at least out of all of this, he was her saving grace. Her one redeeming moment. However much it amounted to, in the grand scheme of things. As she set her bag beside her and got comfortable withing the carriage, she tried to drain away all her emotions. Tried to become clinical. Tried not to feel. A little knowledge to chew on might help with that. So her attention turned to Professor Alto. He might hate her now, but he was still her teacher. [b]”Sir? Can you tell us a little about the judicial system in Vaal Nero?”[/b] Might as well learn a bit about how her case might look.