“Oh, you certainly do not need love to be a lover, but the drow do not know of love at all. There is none even between parent and child,” said Char in a matter-of-fact tone, shaking her head slowly. “The Underdark is a very backwards place indeed.” She carefully placed her bottle on the floor by the couch. She felt quite pleasantly drunk; it seemed so strange that he had drunk more than she and yet was not falling over. The perks of being a human, and of being so much larger than she was. She might have been annoyed with it had she not been drinking. “Up here? Unless there is a surface species, it is probably difficult, as like many things of the Underdark, bookworms don’t do well in light. Although if there is a surface species, I imagine there are more than enough petty nobles that would be interested in their purchase.” It was hard to admit that she actually [i]liked[/i] the way he seemed to hang on to every word she said; between her upbringing, where people would only listen so closely in order to rip every word apart, and now, when people mostly avoided her, it was a strange and uncomfortable feeling to get used to. “Well, there isn’t anyone up here whose library I want to destroy. And going back to the Underdark would be a death sentence for me, so…” She offered a shrug before leaning in, her hand reaching out to cradle his face. “You would do well down there, I think,” she said, tracing down from his temple, pausing to define the angle of his jaw. “You’re entertaining… sturdy… dependable,” she continued, feather-light fingers drifting along his chin, neck, and chest in turn. At the same time her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, apprising him like one would an animal gone to market. “Pretty enough for a human.” And unlike many humans, he had not turn and run on meeting her.