[H2][color=fff79a]Ueno Haru[/color][/H2] [hr] What followed, of course, was one person after another telling Kyoya off for being a showboat as well as a warmonger (though some would call him “fightsexual”). Haru dragged him away from Jun’s desk, patting him his shoulders in the process. [color=fff79a]“So sorry,”[/color] he whispered to everyone he could whisper to along the way. It wouldn't take long for him physically place Kyoya back in his desk, something that Kyoka allowed [I]only[/I] from him. Haru would then sit down, letting out a sigh of relief. Seriously, though… antagonizing the Furious Five of all people? There's a reason they possess their titles. On a lighter note, though, three new students had arrived at 1B. Haru liked meeting new people, so naturally, he responded to them as they introduced themselves. [quote]"I'm sorry for not being here to help you all in the Shibuya Incident! I'm Hinata Todoroki, or Solaris, the #2 Hero in the United States. That is until they update it again now that I'm gone. I'm looking forward to learning with and getting to know you all! And it's great to see you again, Ace.”[/quote] [color=fff79a]“AH! Pray tell, Todoroki, you're also empowered by the sun, right?!”[/color] He had heard about Solaris; of course, since she was the #2 Hero in America. [color=fff79a]“Also… a #2 hero and her brother in this class. And here I thought we're just the hell class of Eirei, but… ehem, anyway. I’m Ueno Haru, the Luminous Hero, Sol Invictus. Yeah, pretty pretentious for me to use an actual deity as my hero name… but Victorious Sun does have a great ring to it, yes?”[/color] [quote]"Hi, I'm Naito. I also go by Dark Paladin when I'm in costume. I'm Quirkless, but I don't hold that against anyone. I want to be a hero that can reach villain's hearts and minds which is why I'm double majoring with Quirk Psychology. And ummm... I just recently returned from Otheon if anyone needs a tour guide." [/quote] [color=fff79a]“My mom is quirkless too,”[/color] Haru piped up, [color=fff79a]“But anyway, nice to meet you. And we do need an Otheon tour guide… I only know about Salanaga, and that place is for couples. Not that I'd have anyone to bring there…” [/color] [H2][color=8882be]Tokoyami Izanagi[/color][/H2] [hr] [quote]Oh, and, don't mind Izanagi too much. The only chains and cages he knows about are stashed in his room, where he thinks I won't find them~. [/quote] [color=8882be]“Fine, fine, I do have chains and cages in my room,”[/color] Izanagi shrugged nonchalantly (nevermind the damning implications of having such articles in his dorm room), [color=8882be]"...but they're for the pets. I have two parrots, one of whom has heard far too many swears and is thus not to be exposed to decent company, and the other speaks in a British accent.”[/color] Izanagi then coughed. [color=8882be]“As for me, apologies for not introducing my name earlier, but I am Tokoyami Izanagi. Just call me Izanagi or Izanagi-senpai, whatever it is that you prefer. I am the Shadow Griffin Hero, Blackbeak, though none of you would know unless you're the type to delve into obscure hero forums. My cousin and I are underground heroes. So, all the work without any of the fame and glory… but that's what I gotta do when I've got a very scary quirk. How scary it is, you'll know later.”[/color] Izanagi finished his statement with a sinister grin, foreshadowing (hah) dark times to come. [quote] "We're their senpais, yes. But as far as my opinion? Many of them outclass the five of us simply by the fight we had in Shibuya." Matsuru's expecting his words to fall on deaf ears. Do these people even remember him? Who knows. If it is true that he will be fighting alongside his four classmates from 2A against his peers from 1B, does that give him an advantage or a disadvantage? Even with his quirk still active, Matsuru was having a hard time deciding one or the other... This was surely going to turn out to be an interesting year. "..." "Wait, please don't tell me I'm a part of this Furious Five.”[/quote] [color=8882be]“Hah! Matsu, we're never escaping that title, ever!”[/color] Izanagi slapped his own lap and laughed. [color=8882be]“Just as UA has the Big Three and Shiketsu has the Quadratic Force, so does Eirei have the Furious Five. Which is, as you can see, the five of us.”[/color] The part where Izanagi had been ranked as the strongest of the second years when it comes to raw power went unsaid, though, again, the first years didn't know that… yet. Besides, rankings changed all the time. [quote]“Pleasure to meet you, senpais. Let’s try to get along.” Preferably not, though.[/quote] [color=8882be]“Back at you… whoever you are,”[/color] Izanagi laughed. [color=8882be]“Also, you're late.”[/color] That part was, again, finished off with a toothy grin, which may be a little unsettling given that he had shark-like teeth. [quote]Mischa looked at them with wide eyes and then stepped out of the room to look at the classroom plaque outside before she poked her head back in. "I, uh, I do have the right classroom, right? Class 1-B?" She said in very fluent Japanese, but her accent was quite different.[/quote] [color=fff79a]“I was wondering where the other new student went!”[/color] Haru practically teleported in front of Mischa as she asked where she was. [color=fff79a]“This is Class 1B, yes! You're… the Dutch girl, right?”[/color] [quote]"Yeah, question. What's joint training about anyways?”[/quote] After everyone has pretty much settled down, Izanagi would take it upon himself to answer Kagari’s question. [color=8493ca]“As your homeroom professor just said, it is exactly as it sounds,”[/color] Izanagi began. [color=8882be]“We're here to help you get stronger… and for that, you lot are going to fight us, the Furious Five, the top five students of this college. I'm not one to brag, but… well, the numbers don't lie. The matchups are going to be revealed when the joint training begins, but before it does, you're free to formulate your contingencies against us. We'll be doing the same against you, though. So… be prepared.”[/color]