[CENTER][h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1dd62d1a-c762-4267-8005-006492ee4764.png[/img][/h1][/CENTER] [right][sub][i]April 7 Forest clearing - 23:28[/i][/sub][/right] [hr] Sticky. Everything felt sticky. His skin and clothes felt heavy and tacky with something he couldn't quite pinpoint. Something soft, warm and chewy was in his mouth. He chewed a few times and swallowed. It smelled of old pennies, but tasted... divine. He licked his lips. He opened his eyes. Awareness came back to him all at once. Carnage, all around him. Blood and guts and flesh were strew all around him, splattered [i]on[/i] him, soaking into the soil and filling the air with the metallic scent of freshly spilled gore. A carcass laid before him, barely recognizable as the deer it once was. Its empty eyes bore into his. Mathias looked down at his hands in shock, staring at the long claws sprouting from the tip of his fingers. His tongue idly traced the points of the too-sharp fangs now awkwardly filling his mouth. He could feel small, stringy bits stuck in between his teeth. Sinew, maybe? In a daze, he raised a hand, trying to wipe away the blood caking his cheek, but only managed to smear on even more. It smelled awful. It smelled delicious. Mathias looked over at the deer again. [colour=lightsalmon][i]It's not deer season,[/i][/colour] was the first thing that passed through his mind. A small surprised laugh escaped him at his own thoughts, and grew stronger and louder, until he was in full-blown, panicked hysterics. [colour=lightsalmon]"Why the fuck do I care about poaching?!"[/colour] he screamed into the forest's empty darkness, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to breathe between each uncontrollable guffaw. [colour=lightsalmon]"What the fuck?!"[/colour] [hr] [right][sub][i]April 15 13 Mourningdove Lane - 00:01[/i][/sub][/right] [hr] Mathias flicked his cigarette butt on the ground, putting it out using his shoe, then bending down to pocket it. He kept his gaze firmly on the mansion's front door, still unsure if he should approach or not. Every bone in his body was screaming at him not to do it, to just turn around and leave. But then again, ever since that night, his instincts also kept telling him to [s]chase catch clamp your jaw around their throat and feast[/s] start running after squirrels, so who knew if he could trust his gut feeling. And he really did want to know just how the hell whoever had sent him that letter knew about his little... hunting incident. He'd been alone, in the woods, at night, with no one else around for miles. He'd burned all of his bloodstained clothing, scrubbed his skin raw and pink to remove every trace of blood. He couldn't do anything about the deer carcass, but if it ever were to be found, which was very unlikely, its state would doubtlessly be blamed on predators and scavengers. As for his... new attributes, his [i]magic[/i] if the letter was to be believed, he'd managed to turn back to normal. Or, normal [i]enough[/i] at least. Sure, it had taken most of a day to figure it out, and something was definitively still wrong with him, but he [i]looked[/i] normal, and that would have to do. Not to mention everything had taken place states away. All of that to say, no one but him should have known about his abilities. And yet, the letter came anyway, exactly a week later, inviting him to a midnight meeting in a town he'd just arrived in for work... it shouldn't be possible. He had to know what was up. Mathias huffed a tired sigh, tugging absentmindedly on his dress shirt's cuff. He hadn't bothered to change out of his work clothes for the evening, only taking off his jacket and tie, and undoing the first button of his shirt. He'd probably still be considered business casual, if it weren't for how messy and wrinkled his hair and clothes were by now. After a few more moments of indecision, he finally started walking towards the mansion proper. He'd seen the two kids just enter, probably locals. It was a relief, in a way. It meant less chances this was a murderous maniac's trap; the vanishing of multiple locals is much harder to hide than the disappearance of an out-of-towner like him, especially in small town like Twin Pines. He'd live. Probably. A chill went up his spine as the doors opened by themselves with a creak, before he even got the chance to knock. [colour=lightsalmon]"Fucking... creepy as hell place..."[/colour] he muttered as he took his first hesitant step inside.