[color=92278f][h1][center][b]Sablyn Renault[/b][/center][/h1][/color] Sablyn had seen the inside of her share of cells, but she'd never been packed in this tight. She and her fellow prisoners were squeezed in like brined slaughterfish in a barrel. She started to compose the beginnings of a poem about it, soft bodies squeezed on all sides by stone and metal — kind of like living in Imperial City, come to think of it. That was a good image for a poem — she wished she had something to write it down with. But it was hard to be poetic when you were being squished against the back wall of a cell by a mess of bodies. She needed fresh air and a better view of what lay outside the metal bars. Moving sideways, she slipped through the mass of bodies, giving apologetic smiles to those who noticed her. She found a good vantage point where she could see what was going on outside the cell, then scanned the prisoners nearest her. To her right was a short young man — close to her own age, perhaps a little younger — whose clothes were covered in blood. [color=92278f]"No cards or dice,"[/color] she replied to the question he'd asked the group, [color=92278f]"but perhaps we can pass the time with tales. I hope there's an interesting one behind your injuries, but if not, perhaps you'd make one up?"[/color] She had a few embellished tales from her life as a pickpocket she could draw on to get the conversation going, but she preferred hearing to telling. And, in her experience, if you got one person telling stories, others would be inspired to join. Hopefully someone in this cell was a charismatic enough storyteller to draw the attention of all in earshot, which would give Sablyn a chance to watch the guards without them noticing her eyes on them. In the guise of smoothing out the wrinkles in her clothes, she felt for the set of lockpicks sewn in the hem of her shirt — a way out for all of them if she could find a chance to use them.