[color=fff79a]"I'm gonna pack here, to get ready for the walk. Damn crows getting very cheeky lately."[/color] and he left with a cartwheel of hay and some tools, heading home. [color=fff79a]"When I'm back, you're going home, Willow!"[/color] he shouted at her daughter when he started. The girl didn't seem to notice at first, but a moment later grimaced in the direction of his departing father. [color=fff79a]"Children..."[/color] Kyle remarked with a smile. [color=fff79a]"Anyway, we'll need ..."[/color] and he started listing ingredients for the cleansing ritual. He didn't get past his fifth sentence, when [color=f7976a]"eeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee"[/color], which, at first, sounded like a never-oiled sword's edge screeching on metal, but it was instead a blood-curling scream coming from Willow. She was staring towards west, seemingly frozen in mid-jump. Her hands started shaking first, then her arms, until her whole body was shivering with terror. To the west, something was obviously moving slowly closer to her in the barley field.