Sir Shane listened intently as Kyle listed off the ingredients. There had been a time before, when he was still a squire, that the cleansing rites needed to be performed. However, the acolyte tasked with readying the needed materials for the ritual had made the smallest of errors that wrought the direst of consequences when the cleansing was enacted. Had it not been for the quick thinking of his master, everyone prese- Sir Shane was moving before he even consciously recognized what he was hearing as a scream of terror. He dropped into a crouch and laid Malcolm's shrouded corpse on the ground as respectfully as he could in his haste. The knight swiftly crossed himself and gave the Red Marshal one final nod, before launching himself off in the direction of the girl with all the speed he could muster. "FLUTTER!" Sir Shane called out as he ran. A neigh from somewhere behind him let the knight know his mount was on the way. Moments passed at what seemed to Sir Shane like eternities as he watched whatever was in the barley make its way closer and closer to Willow, then the sound of thundering hooves coming up behind him let the knight know that he was not alone. Sir Shane leapt to the side as Flutter drew level with him, slipping his sabaton into the foot loop as he climbed up onto the horse and into the saddle. "YAH!" Sir Shane cried with a flick of the reins, bringing Flutter to top speed as they raced towards their charge. [hider=OOC] Roll: [url=]9[/url] -2: Away +1: Knight of Stormhelm +1: Loyal Horse +1: Horsemanship +1: Charge Total: 11 [/hider]