[@Hari] I has an itch for excessive rp. I love romance shippy ships. interesting plots you have here. cant do [i]adult or smut[/i], I like goofy saucy touches on romance rps honestly, and I love myself a touch of fantasy. I'd love to get into more advanced rp, and I would be pretty well on that cause I like writing paragraphs about ocs. i like drama and action. i love getting to know people on here <3 I chat a lot throughout the day, yapping about life lols.[b] i am a minor tho, I get if this is an immediate reject[/b], but I begeth for more partners. i bite off more than I can chew sometimes, to be fair. i can't post on weekends atm and not past at least 3:30 on weekdays, but I rapid-reply throughout the day otherwise. you have some interesting plots, too ;3