When the knight thundered past Willow, who was still frozen with fear, he could see what terrified her so much. It was a soldier, or it had been once a soldier. Now, it was a corpse in armor, wielding a spear. Nauseating black viscous goo was seeping from its many openings, as it was lurching towards the girl. Thankfully, though, Willow was now safe behind Sir Shane. [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/817803f7-08d8-4cfd-a92f-e2f373cb9ca4.png[/img] [hider=OOC] This is now a different challenge. It is a combat scene, the knight vs. the putrid corpse. No extra complications, since you rolled a success. Once again, you'll need a roll, and add your power tags. This time, a successful attack action (on page 7) means you give your foe a harmful status. The number of valid power tags is now extra important: if you roll a success, you can spend your power on effects. Imposing a status on someone/something costs 1 power per tier. So, if you have 3 power, you can attach [i]wounded-3[/i] to your target with an attack, for example. Every challenge has [u]limits[/u], and you can overcome the challenge by imposing a matching status equal or higher than any one of its limits. [/hider]