Sir Shane heaved a sigh of relief as he rode past Willow before any harm could come to her. Only to gasp the sigh back in as he saw what it was that had frightened her so. "What in the sight of The One's third eye?" Sir Shane breathed in shock as he reigned Flutter to a halt. As the undead corpse shambled forwards, Sir Shane dismounted and turned to Flutter. "The girl needn't see what comes next." The knight told his horse. Flutter whinnied in agreement before moving to stand in front of Willow at such an angle that she wouldn't be able to see Sir Shane or his opponent. With that done, the knight approached the putrid corpse and spoke. "If any vestige of the man you once were remains, lay down your weapon." Sir Shane implored the dead man, his knightly code of chivalry compelling him to seek a peaceful resolution before resorting to violence. "I give you my word we will lay you to rest with all the rites you were denied on your first death and more." The corpse's simple reply was to grip its spear and thrust forward. Sir Shane, honorable though he was, was by no means a fool. He was already fairly certain the undead creature before him was too far gone to be reasoned with, and so the knight had anticipated the attack. Redirecting the path of the thrust with a gauntleted fist, Sir Shane grunted as the spear tip bounced harmlessly off of his pauldron. "So be it." Sir Shane said, before drawing his sword and aiming a severing strike at his adversary's neck with one swift motion. [hider=OOC] Roll: [url=]5[/url] -1: Impractically Honorable +1: Knight of Stormhelm +1: Full Plate Armor +1: Knightly Training +1: Swordsmanship +1: Brave +1: Hold The Line Total: 10 Sir Shane inflicts [i]beheaded-5[/i] on the putrid corpse. [/hider]