[center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/5L5QWyP/triskelebluewwolvescirclesmoler.png[/img][/url][url=https://ibb.co/fvMHz65][img]https://i.ibb.co/k1KXsbf/caddachthraigyr.png[/img][/url] [color=steelblue][b]"Locked in a cell with cannibals, lunatics, the Orc that kicked my arse and I am [i]fairly[/i] certain that that guy just drank poop water... but hey, I'm not dead yet."[/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=steelblue][b]"Caddach."[/b][/color] The lad returned Darmon's greeting with a small wave of his free hand, allowing a smirk to come to his face as he set his back to the wall again and relaxed. Not minding too much that his initial inquiry to the rest of his cellmates seemed to be lost amongst the sudden arrival of the substantially-sized Khajiit, or the rambunctious and quite possibly batshit crazy ravings of Yarmira... though he wasn't exactly one to judge that, he'd never been to Valenwood or really met many Bosmer from from deep in the Green— as the diminutive Bosmer confessed to be from— so as far as he knew the words of her voice actually made sense in that distant land. Though the mention of Y'ffre rang an old bell in the back of his head, making the young man's gaze travel towards the girl again and his brows to furrow; a flickering memory of his grandmother Elyza— a Druid in her own day— would often still utter prayers to him under her breath as she mercifully cut the throat of their wounded prey after a long hunt, gently stroking the poor creature to ease it's spirit as it passed into the next lif— [color=steelblue]'—Wait, did that guy over there just drink shit-water?'[/color] The thought came suddenly, interrupting all the vivid memories that came before as Caddach's gaze suddenly locked onto the incredibly verbose man. Watching in silent astonishment as not only did the man [i]indeed[/i] slurp down the poop-juice, but then tried to claim innocence for it. Only to be called out on [i]that[/i] by a spooky-looking Nord lady that moved in a way that was... [i]uncomfortably familiar[/i] to him, though he couldn't quite figure out why; like an old warning in the back of his head he'd heard as a boy, but couldn't quite remember the details of. Though it did make the boy watch her carefully, far more attentively than he did Kiffar, the Argonians or even the chained Orsimer that had spent the evening trying to [i]flatten his skull.[/i] Dark tales from his grandfather's youth and the memory of how tense some of his cousins became when dealing with certain tribes in the eastern fringes of High Rock starting to trickling in from his memory as he quietly watched the way she moved; regarding her as something wild, not quite human... and [i]dangerous.[/i] Though, not dangerous enough to keep him from speaking up when she started joking about [i]eating[/i] the poor gentleman, fouled water and all... at least, Caddach [i]hoped[/i] she was joking. [color=steelblue]"Ma'am, I'd greatly appreciate it if you didn't terrorize that man any more than you have to."[/color] Caddach deadpanned in her direction. [color=steelblue]"It smells bad enough in here as it is; we don't need to make it any worse by adding something wet and brown to the inside of his trousers."[/color] Sure, they were all really only going to be in here for about as long as it took the Legion to make sure the riots outside were good and done, but that didn't mean that Caddach fancied spending the rest of the evening and into the morning marinating in shit-smell. Though he set that thought to the side as another in the cell— a fellow Breton, around his age— addressed him, admitting she hadn't anything in the way of cards or dice, either. At her request for a [i]story,[/i] however, the lad smiled a bit and gave the woman a shrug. [color=steelblue]"Well, I'm no priest of Zenithar... but if you want the juicy details of my day, I suppose I could oblige."[/color] Caddach began with an amused chuckle as he folded his hands behind his head. [color=steelblue]"I'm a Groundskeeper by trade and my employer's son is getting married today, so me and the rest of the staff had to wake up before dawn to make sure doubly sure that everything was in perfect order— scrub the floors, polish the shiny bits, get the food ready— that kinda thing. Not that I'm complaining mind you, It's what they [i]pay[/i] me for... that, and the groom-to-be himself— a good sort— swung by to tell us to take a break and to make sure we were all fed. So that was nice."[/color] Sure, Caddach was omitting a few details— who exactly he worked for being among them— but that was just professional discretion. Well, that and his awareness that some bloody-nosed Breton kid in a prison cell was probably not going to be taken seriously if he mentioned how he and his coworkers had sat down for a casual breakfast with the future Emperor that same morning. [color=steelblue]"After everything was all set up, we were released to our usual duties while the fancier servants took charge of the wedding. And that was business as usual; clean the eaves-troughs, scrub the floors, walk in on a pair of wedding guests doing something strange in a broom closet— which honestly happens a [i]lot[/i] more than you'd think; nobles of a certain rank and upward tend to do some crazy things that'd make even [i]Dibella[/i] blush when they get bored. You learn to stop being surprised by it after a while... besides, what an Altmeri priestess does to her Nordic boytoy with a pair of shackles and a [b]potato[/b] is none of my business."[/color] He continued, dryly. Before leaning forward a little with a smirk and drawing two fingers upward. [color=steelblue]"...Though in hindsight, I have my suspicions that that potato may have met with a [b]very[/b] unfortunate end."[/color] He raised that same hand in a sharp upward motion at his implication, clapping his hand down on his forearm at the same time, letting out a little snort. [color=steelblue]"Either way, after all that was done. I was let off early to go see the big fight."[/color] Caddach continued, easing back against the wall again and [i]pointedly[/i] leaving out the part about the book, or the fact that it was a [b]Blade[/b] that had told him to take off. [color=steelblue]"...Which was, of course, [b]very disappointing.[/b] Before I headed off to Daggerfall Dan's for a quick pint or two, got tripped by some douchebag I knew back in the Arcane University, spilled my beer and then got a suckerpunch directly to the face by the [i]lovely [b]Lady of Fisticuffs and Finger-Munching[/b] over there."[/i][/color] He paused to indicate towards Roshanara, still chained to the wall and still visibly [b]pissed.[/b] [color=steelblue]"Which I could honestly deal with; I grew up around a lot of Orsimer so I knew that [b]some[/b] form of comeuppance was coming my way the second I heard the splash and saw where it landed."[/color] He said. [color=steelblue]"...Besides, it was pretty funny watching her toss the guy who tripped me out the bloody window— Didn't know Altmer voices could even [i]go[/i] that high!— Though... [i]less so[/i] when someone tried to steal my wallet and, before I could get my brain together to figure out what the [b]fuck[/b] was even happening, our friend over there jumped on me [b]again[/b] and started trying to [i][b]actually kill me."[/b][/i][/color] Caddach shot another look towards Rosh again. Looking [i]actually pissed[/i] for the first time in his little tale, a flicker of [i]lightning[/i] dancing across his fingertips for a half-second before he took a sharp breath in through clenched teeth and relaxed again, shaking his head. [color=steelblue][b]"Luckily,[/b] I'm fairly decent at fortification spells. Otherwise, I'd likely be a red stain on the bar's floor instead of sitting here, talking your ear off right now."[/color] He finished, turning his eyes back towards Sablyn again and noting the way she observed the Guards through the bars. [color=steelblue]"And I wouldn't worry too much about the Watch, I doubt they'll lay any charges; They just want us in here and not out [i]there[/i] with the rioters... Hell, they'll probably even give us all something greasy from the kitchen before they release us in the morning to ward off any hangovers."[/color] Caddach let that one hang in the air for a moment before fixing Sablyn with a raised brow. [color=steelblue]"What about you?"[/color] He asked. [color=steelblue]"How'd you wind up down here with the rest of us, Miss...?"[/color]