[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7CEeryv.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] 11:30am [color=E77298]Location:[/color] The Edin Theater [color=E77298]Interactions:[/color] [@JJ Doe] Fritz [@CitrusArms] Stratya [@Samreaper] Kazumin [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/1vyPZBl.png]Dress[/url], [url=imgur.com/3K5kt8B]Hair[/url], [url=imgur.com/fUMMfAQ]Necklace[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/ueSwGrp.png]Headpiece[/url] [hr] Anastasia had been eagerly perched at the edge of her seat, her hands clasped together in gleeful anticipation as none other than her Kazoo took the stage. The moment the lights dimmed and a delighted shiver ran down her spine. She clutched her knees with intensity, eyes fixated as she watched the puppet's awkward awakening, giggling softly alongside his first clumsy attempts to move. [color=E77298]“Aw, such a cute puppet!”[/color] she whispered, nudging Stratya’s arm excitedly. When the puppet fell face-first onto the stage, she gasped dramatically, covering her mouth with both hands. [color=E77298]“Noooo! My sweet little wooden son! Someone help him up!”[/color] She bounced slightly in her seat as the story unfolded, enraptured by the puppet’s growing determination. [color=E77298]“Look at him go! He’s doing it!”[/color] she cheered under her breath, barely resisting the urge to leap from her chair and clap along. Then, the young woman entered. Her smile softened as the puppet’s excitement turned into shy hesitation, his longing to make a friend so heartbreakingly sweet. Anastasia’s fingers curled against her dress as anxiety gripped her chest. [color=E77298]“Oh she’ll love you! She has to like you, you’re perfect,”[/color] she whispered, leaning forward, practically willing the story to go the way she wanted. But when the puppet danced, her joy burst into a full-blown explosion of clapping and laughter. She was entirely swept away, clapping along with the puppet, practically vibrating in her seat. [color=E77298]“He’s amazing! This is amazing! This is everything!”[/color] She laughed breathlessly, caught up in the rhythm of the performance. And then—the fall. The girl's shriek sent a jolt through Anastasia’s chest, her joy abruptly strangled by dread.. [color=E77298]“No, no, no! He didn’t mean to!”[/color] she cried, desperate to clear up the misunderstanding. As the girl ran, the puppet crumpled and Anastasia’s eyes welled with tears. She sat there in stunned silence as the curtain closed, a storm of emotions crashing through her chest. But then, she was on her feet an instant later, wiping her eyes and throwing her hands in the air. [color=E77298]“KAZOOOOOO! THAT WAS ART!”[/color] she wailed dramatically, still sniffling. [color=E77298]“I LOVED IT! I HATED IT! I’M EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED BUT I CAN’T STOP CLAPPING! BRAVO! BRAVO!”[/color] [/color]