[h3]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h3][hr] Stalker listened to the humans speak between each other; bickering, arguing, [i]annoying[/i]. Stalker rolled his eyes as he watched the vehicle carefully; would Mimi make an appearance? He swayed his tail in annoyance, he didn’t like working with humans; even if it’s said that Wild’s were supposed to only be ‘whole’ when bonded to such an arrogant, annoying creature. [i]Bah[/i]. But the tension of the entire area fueled him, it lingered like an intoxicating musk to the larger beast; which made him less likely to snap towards the humans he had to work alongside. Of course, he’d have to continue on the Kings plan; he had a role to play. And he was going to play said role as perfectly as he could. [b]”I have a message to you Ghost Corp members, but moreso the Skyfallen ones.”[/b] Stalker said, stepping away from Savio towards the convoy, [b]”The King has a proposition for the Skyfallen; Leave the mission to slay him behind, do not bring the King harm.”[/b] He started, instinctively checking if Mimi was going to show their face before he turned back towards Val and Wren. [b]”We are all subjects of the King.”[/b] He spoke to the wilds within Wren and Val; [b]”We strive to help him, to listen to him; to ensure [i]his[/i] safety. Umbra seek to destroy us all; to use our hearts - Bonded or not - to fuel their super soldiers. The King wishes to extend his mighty hand to you, Skyfallen Umbrians; and my extension your protectors - Your guardian and your…”[/b] He gave a look to Wren, tilting his head for a moment, thinking for the right word to describe the man in front of him, [b]”Your hunter. Begrudgingly we’ll extend that curtesy to Mimi and the orphan they are bonded with. Yes, I can smell you in there.”[/b] Mimi flinched, cowering closer to Ebony; trying to cover them with more of their body as they listened quietly, looking towards V and AA. [i]”Should we take them up on it?”[/i] Mimi heard Ebony whisper, looking down to the teen before moving to curl their tail around them carefully. “We will stay put.” Mimi said with a small nod, their clawed hands gently gripped around Ebony carefully. “If things turn sour, we will wait here; or if we need to, we will hide among the trees - I will use my camouflage.” Ebony listened to V as she spoke, giving a small nod to her words; they didn’t move as Mimi seemed to try and drape themselves over them, like a support blanket. “Stay put, keep a hold of Vals’ rifle.” Ebony said with a nod, looking down to the gun in their grip before looking up to V and nodded. “Please be safe.” [b]”What do you say, Umbrians?”[/b] Stalkers’ voice boomed through the air again, he kept his eyes on Wren and Val as he spoke, [b]”Guardians?”[/b] He looked back to Roose, swaying his tail slightly. She’d move when he gave the word, if things went smoothly. If the Umbrians and the Ghost Corps would take him up on the offer; side themselves with the WIld King himself, he’d help them tear down these humans without a second thought. It would be a way to show them that he was strong with his words. He knew the two human leaders weren’t bonded yet, so the likelihood of them understanding the Wilds’ language was slim, which only helped him for what would happen next. He spoke solely in the Wild Language for the next message. [b][i]”So, my offer to you is; Join the King in his crusade and we will spare you, even lending a hand, tooth and claw against these mortals here. He doesn't wish to harm you, truly - You are his subjects, even the Umbrians, tied by the Black Hearts.”[/i][/b] [sub](ChatGPT didn’t want to translate at ALL)[/sub] Wren hesitated, he was listening to Val talk to Savio; but what Stalker said was… [i]tempting[/i], saving the Wilds from the worry of being hunted down by Umbra? Like hell he’d be able to turn that down. He glanced to Val, what would he think? He wasn’t tied to Ghost Corps, nor was he anyone that Umbra had tormented. Wren took a moment to look back towards the convoy; The girls, Mimi and Ebony- Would they [i]really[/i] carry through on their promise if they agreed? He looked back to the Wilds’ in front of him. They were all easily bigger than Mimi - Stalker standing easily two times the size of her, this would be stupid to refuse… Would they turn on Mimi as soon as their mission was complete, though? He didn’t know the laws of the Mimicraptors, he believed only they really knew their own rules; and who was he to try to push different rules on such dangerous creatures in front of him. [i]What do you say?[/i] Wren thought inward, Ferz stayed silent for a moment before he spoke. [i][color=red]I don’t fully trust them.[/color] Of course, you hunted alongside them; are they not trustworthy? [color=red]It’s hard to tell. Stalker could be lying; but he’s prideful and would never lie about helping the King. Nor would he lie about [b]killing[/b] either.[/color][/i] Wren nodded slightly, he trusted Ferzs’ words on things like this; he only hoped that he was correct.