[h2] [color=cyan] Chinmoku Akatsuki [/color] [/h2] The week before was quite the introduction to this new school. He would look around at the yard looking at everyone and Chin couldn't help to go back to what could have been. [i][color=cyan] Everything could have gone wrong, we got lucky.... no.. we got stupid lucky. I need to get better faster. I know some people are already watching me. And Dad has been telling distributors to expect a lot. I can't let him down again. [/color][/i] Chin would continue to walk around as he was in his thoughts, not even realizing he bumped into someone. [color=cyan] "Oh, so sorry!" [/color] he said as he scratched the back of his head. That's when he finally looked at his watch and realized.... that he's late. Chin began to ran across campus trying to find the classroom 2b. He wasn't sure why he was going there, but he was. He ran across the campus as fast as he could, dodging adults and fellow classmates alike. As he ran he couldn't help but think about all the people he has met. He wasn't sure if anyone even remembered him at this point because he was a newer student. Not just newer, he literally showed up at the last second. For a moment he stopped as he stared up at the huge building he was about to enter. [color=cyan][i] Wait a minute, like I literally showed up at the 11th hour... what a coincidence.[/i][/color]. Chin ran into the building as he realized he had no time to wait. He was already late and he didn't want to get in trouble. It only took a few more minutes and a few wrong classrooms that he misread in haste before he finally barged in. [color=cyan] "So sorry, I am here! [/color] he said aloud before he stopped. He stared at the group of older and younger people... [color=cyan] "Oh.... am I in the right class? I can leave... I... I don't think I was told we'd be with the younger group." [/color] he'd say nervously as he looked around seeming to try and find his way out the best that he could. But these were no doubt his classmates, with a younger group. Chin seemed to have completely missed the memo of what they were even doing. He has been so preoccupied that he had totally forgot that this is where he was supposed to be, to help the 2b class. Then as the realization hit he turned around and slowly sat down at a nearby desk. As everything came back to him. [color=cyan] "So sorry." [/color] he mumbled silently.