[quote=@rush99999]"Oh you were barely an inconvenience, Mr. Leeds." Luka reassured Jehoshaphat. "The man chasing you was a lot more troublesome. Very nearly blew the diner up if you can believe it... Speaking of, if him and his are harder to lose than the usual riff raff, then perhaps you should lay low for a while before heading back to the Pines. If they can't find you in your forest for long enough, they might start thinking you moved somewhere else after your run in with them. And then once they've started snooping around other forests instead, you can head home and not have to worry about them disturbing you again."[/quote] Jehoshaphat showed all of his teeth; the effect was somewhat like watching a llama get ready to spit. "Why, that's an incredibly kind offer, sir. Tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could get back without help, at least as far as the edge of the city." He rose to his hind-hooves and traipsed over awkwardly, reaching down to shake Luka's hand with his fore-hooves. "Truly I was blessed to have come across such a kind and generous soul!"