Oh this sweet, sweet girl really was trying though she really was pushing herself to speak English for no actual reason. Mischa could communicate with her in Japanese, but now it felt like it would be rude to since Rin went out of her way to greet her in a language that she was not so familiar with. Mischa bore a warm, yet polite smile and said in perfect English, [color=#ff6842]"Mischa Belic, a pleasure to meet you."[/color] Her eyes trailed to the desk that Rin pointed towards. Oh, that was her seat. [color=#ff6842]"Dankje,"[/color] she nodded at Rin and was about to scurry over to her desk when a woman just appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. Technology like this wasn't exclusive to Japan; it was made use of in the Netherlands though while a teacher came out through a projection of light, prostitutes and brothels were advertised with holograms, among other things because Amsterdam is their Sin City. Frankly, it was more surprising to see a hologram used in a classroom setting, but the college must've been raking it in. Still, that was not exactly the real thing she was focusing. [color=#ff6842][i]Detention?! Can she do that?! We're in college! What in the fresh hell happened here that they felt the need to institute detention for adults?![/i][/color] Mischa screamed in her mind, staring incredulously at the weirdo that roused from his slumber. Maybe she should've gone to America instead. Before she could even take another step, someone from the blue man group practically manifested right in front of her. Well, he was quite eager, like a golden retriever. A blue retriever. And at least he spoke to her in Japanese. [color=#ff6842]"Not many Dutch girls enrolled here I can imagine,"[/color] the Dutch woman said with a smirk though it was certainly odd? Did the school already give them her information? How much about her did they actually know? The hologram turned to Mischa and at least was friendly enough to her. So this was her homeroom teacher. [i][color=#ff6842]At least there's a face to put to the name.[/color][/i] She nodded at the professor politely and made her way to her seat, her eyes glancing around the classroom to get a good look at the faces of her classmates. Mischa settled at her desk and made herself as comfortable as she could, leaning back in her seat with her to-go cup of coffee in hand as she listened to Ms. Yatagarasu explain their itinerary. [i][color=#ff6842]Sounds like a lot happened before [/color][/i] She sipped her cup of coffee while she listened though her ears perked up at the mention of the 'Furious Five.' [i][color=#ff6842]Wait, Furious Five? I thought they only had those kinds of nicknames for elite students in manga. They actually do that here?[/color][/i] Sometimes reality really did imitate art. Or was it the other way in this case? Speaking of art, it had not escaped Mischa's notice that the technical hiccup that revealed her teacher's collection of bl and yaoi. Mischa took a sip from her coffee cup apparently nonplussed. [i][color=#ff6842]She's got good taste... Wait, was that one mi- No, do not acknowledge it. They can sense it.[/color][/i] And yeah, Otheon. As much as it pained her to leave Japan as quickly as she got there, being in Otheon wouldn't pose much of a problem to her. That was one of the perks of being multilingual and it's not like it would be her first time in the country. What was more of a concern was if her classmates would actually be okay or not. Mischa raised her hand and when called upon said, [color=#ff6842]"A few questions actually. First, while you said that this is an 'eduvacation,' will heroes not classified as four stars will receive temporary four star status to work abroad? Will those already classified as four stars be allowed to do hero work in Otheon? Also, in regards to sparring, are you giving us permission to go all out?"[/color]