[center][h1]Rela Arel[/h1][/center] What a miserable little man-hovel. The locals' suspicion of outsiders would have been laudable if their accusations weren't so absurd. Borderline [i]Nordic[/i], really. The Altmer traveling with a Dunmer, a Thalmor?? Perish the thought. [b]"Don't be ridiculous."[/b] Rela couldn't help but snap at the one guard in particular that made that accusation. [b]"Dunmer do not kneel and scrape before the Thalmor wretches like those ridiculous, savage Bosmer do. Obviously, [i]he[/i] isn't one."[/b] Another suggested they were eloping, and she damn near lit that one on fire. Really, she should have. The next generation of Redguards would be smarter without that particular guard muddying the waters. Still, Rela could already hear the insufferable mewling from everyone involved should she go about that. So, with enough restraint that she deserved an award for her mercy, Rela settled for a sneer and a glare that suggested the other person was utterly braindead. And so they entered the market. The available magical services were identified rather quickly, and Rela practically shoved her Altmer companion in the Argonian's direction. [b]"You go deal with the [i]lizard[/i]."[/b] She hissed towards Keirthanil, before turning in the opposite direction. [b]"I cannot be bothered to muster up the will necessary to treat that thing like an equal."[/b] [color=#bdb76b]"I'm not going to talk with him, Telvanni girl. I'm going to talk at him with veiled insults as to the quality of his education and his work until he gets angry, and then you can subdue him to your heart's content. Assuming you still have one of those."[/color] [b]"...A fair point. Very well, then. And don't be absurd. My heart exists. It simply isn't doing much of anything."[/b]