[hider=OOC] Downtime Action: Gather Info [/hider] Ashley took a look at her surroundings making sure that there's nobody around the secluded park spot that she chose to do this. She is fairly confident that such measures are unnecessary but with things like Eidolons you just simply never knew. She took a more at the bat on her hand and made a few practice swings, it has been a while since she last used it but it is basically muscle memory for her at this point. A bead of sweat tells that she's actually getting a bit soft. Something that she might get an opportunity to fix soon. "Ok Ashley the plan is simple." she spoke as the first limit of her Eidolon comes to her mind, she can see the [b]immediate[/b] future, which means that the upcoming meeting is far from the range of her premonitions and would usually be useless. If not for the Crow snagging something from that Agent. "Hold the phone, don't make a call and use the Bootstrap Paradox to see the futures when you did make a call and gather what you can." she spoke as took the phone from her pocket. She already figured out how to open it earlier by cheating with her Eidolon and to be honest, she will do it again. Ashley closed her eyes as she opened the phone's lockscreen and let the visions go into her head.