[indent][indent][center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250122/78f42b9ab2d3e777c0e99f1f59dff728.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250122/77a07d7dfba11c58d491d24441dae1f0.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250122/ff74a7601e00c915c886ac7da25b66bb.png[/img] [Sup]S E C O N D S E G M E N T [sub]Joint Training Exercise[/sub][/sup][hr] [@Thayr][@Digmata][@Aku the Samurai][@LC][@Remram][@ERode][@Dragon Arts][@El Gato Naranja][@King Kindred][@The Jest][@CronicCrystalis][@Randomguy][@JrVader][@Iamme][@BlackMaiden][@paingodsson] [img]https://lostinanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Boku-no-Hero-Academia-3-18-08.jpg[/img][right]Sigma Training Ground[/right][hr] [/center][i]Some things are better left to be judged later than prematurely and as we move on, we see what clarity brings us to.[/i] [list][*][url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSLaVfPW2_HD4gAct8dQsVmrRDnIo0BZQhrsROVItUo6PaP5dZyLMl1A0&s=10]Eirei P.E Boys[/url] [*][url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSSJReUIvjdzG4UjQ0cG8Pe5k_accxSrpcXw&usqp=CAU]Eirei P.E Girls[/url] Rules 1. No Support Items for the Quirkful 2. Defeat the the opposing Year 2 Team to assist other Year 1 Teams[/list] [i]While we move on to our future, we must remember the past on what makes the present.[/i] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c178d822-42a9-4d92-a741-ed2259261d5f.jpg[/img][/center]A welcome surprise, Eirei Alumni, now Japan's no.1 Hero - Spiderman swung by Sigma Training Ground, giving a meet and greet to 1B & 2A, till this day his secret identity is only secluded to Eirei and the Heroes Commision. [color=DC143C]"Hey everyone, sorry I didn't say I was coming. The neighbors got their rent, when their damned doors were fixed, I had to beat up an old lady with a stick, who's a villain by the way. Oh boy yeah, if it isn't the Furious Five, I never thought you could do that." [/color] Spiderman clapped his hands mockingly towards Matsuru and Rin. Spiderman's spidersense was sensitive and pounding nonstop when he focused his attention at Ace, as for Reiji, none at all and even the likes of Izanagi didn't tick him off. Itoshi Yura - Eirei Alumni Spiderman's graduated Eirei last school year and was a predecessor to the current Furious Five. The previous generation of Furious 5 to name a few were Spiderman, Itoshi Yura and Crystalis, Todoroki Eva. [color=DC143C]"C'mon now Yaomatsu, don't be an uptight Little Goblin Jr! Don't be ashamed that your best friend is rubbing his achievements through your face. Oh and Rin, you look beautiful as ever, I heard you rejected being the Himura's leader and passed it on to your niece, oh and Ironman's sidekick is here, Ma- Ironboy Jr!. Ohhh this must be Class 1B, I heard a lot about y'all, I guess it must hurt your backs to carry the school name because I set the bar so high."[/color] Spiderman eats hotdog sandwich while talking, sticking to the ceiling, upside down. Spiderman inspected every Class 1B student, he was moving fast like lightning. Jun - Tomboy Mischa Tomboy [color=crimson]"I see a pattern here, the admins must love tomboys![/color] Todoroki Siblings [color=crimson]"So this is Solaris, I heard one foot you're the #2 Hero in Murica, I guess you're here to make it big, I'm a fan, I look forward to your careers with great interests!"[/color] Kagari [color=crimson]"Your Majesty."[/color] Spiderman bowed, knelt and did a dogeza to Kagari and left. He started heckling and annoying Yui and Kyoya with his chatterbox self. [color=FFF8DC]"Itoshi, cut the chatter, aren't you having your Joint Training Exercise with 1A at Alpha Ground?"[/color] Hisora reprimanded Spidey. [/indent][/indent]