Apparently, those endless hours of practice in the barracks weren't lost on the young knight, and with his precise strike he cleanly removed the head of the lurching horror. However, it somehow gathered enough memories of its own training while alive, and viciously swung his spear at Sir Shane the last moment of its unlife. [hider=OOC] Mitigating an attack is a separate action, so I'll rule out [color=39b54a]Armor[/color] and [color=39b54a]Hold the Line[/color], but that's still [i]Beheaded-3[/i]. The roll's result becomes an 8, which is success with consequences: it attacks back just before dropping dead finally. Only players roll in this system, so you can roll to mitigate the dead man's spear attack, [i]slashed-2[/i]. Now you can use [color=39b54a]armor[/color] and [color=39b54a]hold the line[/color]. If you succeed, those two tags are enough to fully block the attack. [/hider]