Sir Shane made no effort to deflect or avoid the coming blow. The knight simply stood there, completely unmoving, and observed the putrid corpse's final attack arc through the air. Were his master here, Sir Shane knew the older knight would chastise him for making such a foolhardy decision. Chastisement of overly reckless behaviour had been a common complaint from his master during Sir Shane's time as the man's squire. But Sir Shane foresaw no trouble coming of this particular instance. After all, even if he weren't wearing full plate armor, the dead man's newfound lack of a head and the eyes it came with reminded Sir Shane of a saying popular among the sneakier sort of fighting men: 'You can't hit what you can't see.' [hider=OOC] Roll: [url=]5[/url] -1: Reckless +1: Full Plate Armor +1: Brave +1: Hold The Line +3: Beheaded Total: 10 Sir Shane mitigates [i]slashed-2[/i]. [/hider]