[quote=@ctrlsaltdel] Jehoshaphat showed all of his teeth; the effect was somewhat like watching a llama get ready to spit. "Why, that's an incredibly kind offer, sir. Tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could get back without help, at least as far as the edge of the city." He rose to his hind-hooves and traipsed over awkwardly, reaching down to shake Luka's hand with his fore-hooves. "Truly I was blessed to have come across such a kind and generous soul!" [/quote] Luka shut his eyes and allowed a satisfied smile to settle onto his features, reveling in the praise and validation he craved above all else that Jehoshaphat so flatteringly provided. "Oh I really didn't do anything all that special." Luka said humbly as he shook the proffered fore-hoof. "I was simply doing what anyone else would have done." Luka had enjoyed the prospect of having a pet as unique and as interesting as Mister MegaTen before. But now that he knew that his new pet could talk, and therefore compliment him, Luka now enjoyed the prospect even more. After a moment, Luka opened his eyes and returned his gaze to Jehoshaphat. "Now then, we shall have to figure out your living arrangements." Luka said. "You've mentioned you like things dark and with little to no people. And I'm guessing you would prefer lots of space and lots of trees. Is there anything else I could provide that would make your stay more enjoyable?"