[b][h2][CENTER]MATSURU YAOYOROZU[/CENTER][/h2][/b] [i][color=deepskyblue]"... Motherfucker took my spot."[/color][/i] So his old classmates did remember him. Not only that, the overachiever Izanagi took his firstplace spot. His! The one that [i]should[/i] rightfully say [b]YAOYOROZU MATSUR[/b]. But noooooo, it just has to be taken by chiken-wing over here! Ohhhh when he gets his hands on- Matsuru had to consciously take a few moments to calm himself down. His old pride was starting to sink in. [i][color=deepskyblue]"Heh... And here I was thinking I left this kind of thought back in UA."[/color][/i] It did help him that Rin was in class, even though she was trying to get a rile out of him. Some things will never truly change... No matter how weird the concept of the Furious Five was to him, Matsu was still happy that he was still considered among the strongest... Even though he doesn't have much to show for it. Thinking on the idea a little, He was glad it was Izanagi as number one. Reiji, in his eyes, was too much of a recluse to have a title like "The Strongest". And Jace was, well, Jace. Does Matsuru truly believe that Izanagi is stronger than him? Hell, no. He may not be as prideful as before, but Matsu knows he could easily win against him. But being labeled "The Strongest" is so much more than just pure power. It's a brand, a title, a duty, a sacrifice. He knows where this pipeline can lead, and the only one that could come out alive from that is Blackbeak. Matsuru offers a small, sincere smile to his classmate. After, he retreats back to the back wall of the classroom to do what he does best. Observe the surroundings. He positions himself close to Rin before he opens back up his book and continues reading. He isn't a very openly romantic person, unlike his girlfriend. He often best shows his love for people by smaller gestures. To him, being able to be close to someone and enjoy their presence is one of the best displays of affection. After a bit, he gets off the wall. He sits on the ground, right next to her desk, and leans on the leg of the desk. He quietly hums to himself as he waits for the passage of the class. He knows that they have an hour to prepare for the mock fight, but he already has everything he needs. [b]~ONE HOUR LATER~[/b] Matsuru hated the school gym uniforms. They're so... form fitting. He has an extremely lean and muscular build. A build which normally wouldn't be on display as such. Namely due to him wearing very loose fitting, plain cloths. He felt naked, in a weird way. He looked himself up and down in the locker room mirror, as if critiquing a sculpture. It was an old habit from his father. He always made sure he looked healthy and presentable before he went out. [color=deepskyblue]"Kyoya, does this outfit make my shoulders look too big?"[/color] He asked his peer as they were leaving the locker room. Yes, they were [i]technically[/i] opponents, but it still doesn't mean the two of them can't banter back and forth before the fight. The bright sun blinded him for a moment as they entered the Sigma Training Zone. It took him a moment before the visage of his old friend registered... The last time Matsu even saw Itoshi was back in his dreamscape, during the Nomu fight. He was the other boy on that beach. Matsuru tended not to think too much about the Spider Hero. Mainly by the fact that the two of them hated eachother. It was a story as old as time. Matsuru was the snobby, rich kid that did everything he could to prove he was better than the rest. Itoshi was the middle-of-nowhere kid that was a natural at everything. Matsuru worked extremely hard to get to where he is. Itoshi put little effort into academics, and ended up becoming valedictorian (Matsu was salutatorian). And, of course, Rin was the glue that held the three of them together. They were much friendlier when they were younger. But as the two got older, a divide was driven between them. Arguments, fights, brawls, you name it. Matsuru still chuckles about the memory to this day. Yeah, Itoshi [i]may[/i] have become the #1 hero. But Matsuru got something even better, something that Itoshi didn't. [i]He got the girl.[/i] [quote]"C'mon now Yaomatsu, don't be an uptight Little Goblin Jr! Don't be ashamed that your best friend is rubbing his achievements through your face. Oh and Rin, you look beautiful as ever, I heard you rejected being the Himura's leader and passed it on to your niece,[/quote] Matsuru didn't give Spiderman the time of day. He walked right past him, making sure to give him a bit of a shoulder check. He walked over to Rin and said [color=deepskyblue]"So... Looks like we're teaming up again. When was the last time we fought together? Was it back during that first Nomu attack?"[/color]