[hider=Vivi the Spooktator] Name: Vivienne Rosewood Gender/Pronouns: Female she/her Appearance: Vivienne is fairly tall (about 5’9”), somewhat fit (she mostly works out to maintain her figure rather than any other concrete fitness goal) and slender. She is a brunette with brown eyes and a fair complexion, which she periodically tampers with using cosmetics and hair dye. As for apparel, her dress is typically seasonally appropriate unless she is otherwise going for a particular theme. Vivienne is careful about how much skin she reveals but she is otherwise unafraid to flaunt her figure. Personality: Vivienne is approachable (if she doesn't approach you first) and full of energy. She likes to talk about herself and is quick to bring up her YouTube channel in conversations with those unfamiliar with her show. She can be naive, but she is not stupid. Vivienne is no stranger to working hard and charming her way to success. Although she has made a career out of visiting and filming haunted attractions, Vivienne herself does not believe in ghosts nor other supernatural occurrences. Victim Other: Vivienne is from our of town and is visiting the Wildwood Masters Library per the recommendation of one her supposed fans. Her YouTuber handle is Vivi the Spooktator and her show is mostly about, as her tagline suggests “experiencing America’s scary stuff so you don't have to.” Mention: @leopard wcue [/hider] Draft up! Let me know if there is anything I need to adjust.