[b]Archmagos Toros![/b] run shoot run shoot run run run shoot run bliss flow perfect battle eternal war all the daemons of hell arrayed against her run shoot run run shoot run run shoot frictionless fluid perfect run run run like a war in dreams The emotion flows and flows and flows, an endless cascade. Hours, days, months spent locked in this state of enchanted battle. Everyone knew the Archmagos to be an academic locked away in her tower, but all of her memories are of violence and war. Motion. Motion without motion Secrets of perspective Standing still and crossing distances Here, there, everwhere A dojo, clean and sparse Flickering like a switch left right left right left right left The Displacer Field. It was capable of so much more than anyone understood. It was - [Military Science] Listen up, soldier. There are only two ways this all fits together and neither of them are good. Door comes in. Archmagos gets shot. Displacer field activates. Now - stay with me here - what if she teleported to a place where there was already a bolt-round? Not enough time and mass for the bolt-round to arm and so it finished penetrating and continued on to hit the window. So this means the assassin executed the Archmagos with a single shot to the head, and then fired a three round burst into her new location before she had even finished teleporting. The Wolves of the Rout have made good shots before, but this is - well, you don't think you could do this. You're not sure your instructors could have done this. Frankly speaking it's some of the best marksmanship you've ever seen, bordering on the impossible. That's option one. Option two is that the killer somehow knew exactly where the Archmagos was going to teleport to before she did, and was already firing at her destination before the killing round had hit her. And [i]that [/i]downgrades the marksmanship to... merely very, very good. Don't love either of those, frankly.