[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220119/688a09cf96fc2bdf9eca5ffa38e9c029.png[/img][/center] Location: Pier Interactions: Vitesse[@Carlyle] Sophie [@Yankee] At the mention of his Clefable, Jolie let out an excited Clefaaa! and twirled in place, clasping her tiny hands together before curtseying. She was accustomed to admiration, and delighted in it as much as her trainer did. André though was confused. Most people fixated on him first, but Sophie had immediately honed in on the Pokémon instead. As a matter of fact, most of these people didn’t even acknowledge that they were in the presence of a movie star. He couldn’t help feeling a little hurt by it… His movies were international hits. His face was plastered across billboards, magazine covers, and perfume ads. His fashion was iconic. And yet… no reaction from any of them. No gasps of recognition, no excited murmurings about being in the presence of the André Bellamy, no requests for selfies. It was as if he were just another passenger on this yacht. It was almost insulting. Did these people not go to movies? He exhaled through his nose, regained his composure, and smiled. It was fine. He would just have to make sure that by the end of this trip, they wouldn’t forget him. André let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when the captain finally arrived, placing a hand over his heart. [color=fd6c9e]“Ah, enfin! The captain arrives! For a moment I was worried we would have to swim there.”[/color] Jolie mimicked his distress, clutching her tiny hands to her face and letting out a Clefaaa! of faux despair. Equally as dramatic as her trainer. As the captain flipped through his clipboard, André stepped forward with effortless grace. “André Bellamy,” he declared with a dazzling smile. [color=fd6c9e]“Actor, celebrity, icon.”[/color] He said almost glaring at the others. Then he gestured to the piles of pink luggage behind him. [color=fd6c9e]“Careful with those. They are designer, très cher!”[/color] He reached into his pocket, pulled out a wrapped Poképuff, and handed it to the Machamp with a wink. [color=fd6c9e]“A little treat for your troubles, hm?”[/color] Jolie crossed her arms, and pouted. Annoyed that her trainer gave a random Machamp a Pokepuff that was meant to be hers. André caught Jolie’s pout from the corner of his eye and let out a soft chuckle, He gave her an affectionate pat on the head. [color=fd6c9e]“Ma chère Jolie,”[/color] he cooed. [color=fd6c9e]“Do not fret, mon amour. I have plenty more for you.”[/color] With a flourish, he produced another Poképuff from his pocket, and gave it to her. Jolie sniffed indignantly, huffing for dramatic effect before finally accepting the treat, nibbling on it with a satisfied hmph! André chuckled again, standing back up and dusting off his coat. Crisis averted. With that settled, André turned back toward the group. [color=fd6c9e]“Well, mes amis, it seems our adventure is about to begin!”[/color] He cast a knowing glance at Vitesse, lips curling slightly at her clear exasperation. [color=fd6c9e]“Oh, Tess,”[/color] he said smoothly. [color=fd6c9e]“You must try to enjoy yourself. A beautiful voyage awaits! Do not let a small delay ruin the mood!”[/color] Then, spotting Sophie, he extended his hand with a wink. [color=fd6c9e]“Would you care to board with moi, ma chérie?”[/color]